Reflection 9: What You Can Expect From Life: According to HONESTY

11 “‘Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.” ~ Leviticus 19:11


When confronted with this word, I think deep down inside we all want to be honest, but yet we are still very much intimidated by it. Honesty carries with it some very rigorous implications, like a two edged sword that could just as easily cut the wielder as the opponent. As imperfect human-beings this word, “HONESTY” scares us just a little because we all know this is the ideal we sinners can never live up too. For the majority of people however, this ideal is very much ever-present in our minds, hearts, and souls as it is the one aspiration which can revolutionize how we think, feel, and operate on a daily basis and again that notion is a bit scary. So, with this firmly stated and excepted as the truth, no one is perfect, thus when we reflect upon this word there should be no one who takes offense of the remainder of this blog. Rather when reading the contents I ask that you reflect deeply upon your own life and experiences and ask yourself how honest have you truly been to your loved ones, friends, and of course yourself? How honest have you been with God? Also as a disclaimer I want everyone to know I am not perfect and I too struggle with  this word everyday. But it also should be known that when we are not honest we are breaking a covenant with God, as mentioned above, God did ordain it to be so for all mankind to be honest with each other, to not steal lie, or deceive. Because when we are not honest with one another then we separate ourselves just that much more from Him. We destroy what should have been and allow an abomination to take its place.

35 “You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.” ~Leviticus 19:35

It’s interesting that God chose the word, “INJUSTICE”, when warning us about our sense of judgement. I feel He saw our civilization coming and knew we would be a people of great laws, and even greater hypocrisy and corruption within those laws. I think He knew we could not live up to the ideal He set forth so we would try and replace His perfect laws with ones of our own, ones less perfect in nature more befitting mankind. Laws riddled with loopholes that would allow Judges from all branches of our Justice System to skip happily through rules they feel strongly about but while ignoring the words “Shall Do”, ignoring the laws in-favor of making a point or changing how people perceive specific guidelines and policies. I think God saw our lawyers who argue their cases based upon lies and misdirection, never caring who they hurt but instead whether or not they win their case. Justice goes hand in hand with ethics, but our civilization too is so far removed from this our most honest of men sit and let immoral people change the definitions of words like, “Marriage” to include two people of the same sex, which again is clearly an abomination to God. I am still waiting for people to protest scenes in our T.V. shows who have snuck in under the radar that depict two men kissing, or two women making out. For these perverse things our children are being desensitized too and will someday be voting adults. This is how perversion is first spread and rots out the core of a nation. The older I get the more my students become accepting and down right argumentative to what it means to them to be married, what it means to not have pre-marital sex, and even more shocking how they feel violence is acceptable behavior when someone disagrees with them. But, this of course is the final result of our long lived policies of stripping our public schools from saying prayers in their classrooms, prohibiting our children to engage in their faith on public property and to keep our children from having pride in our country by abolishing the national anthem in school for the fear it might hurt a specific groups sensibilities. It’s interesting how far we have slid since those policies where adopted over thirty years ago, and I must now stand up and forewarn you all that God will turn His back on us as surely as we have turned our backs on Him. Our judgments on issues of morality are the cause to our grief as a country, because they are filled with injustice of both measure, weight, and volume. The days of honesty in Government is over, honesty in our courts is over, honesty in our media has become a thing of the past as well.

17 “Therefore you shall not oppress one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am theLord your God.” ~ Leviticus 25:17

Ironically, the injustice in our country is primarily a symptom of our rotting souls as we seek to oppress instead of find common ground and common respect. Our fear of God sadly too has become a thing of the past as to many of our evangelists preach about a loving, tender, forgiving God that is no-longer vengeful, no longer judgmental, or temperamental as found in the Old Testament. To many feel what was then does not apply to us today, thus removing ourselves from under the harder aspects of what God really expects from us as His people. At this juncture I would like to point out the only being that which was the same a million years ago is still unchanged and perfect. Therefore, God is unchanged since the beginning and His views, wants, desires, hopes, and aspirations for mankind is also unchanged. We have become spiritually soft and I would hazard a guess this is because no one or collective group of thousands or tens of thousands of people all in unison have not heard from God lately. To even admit you hear God’s voice in your heart and mind in today’s world is looked at as strange. But, yet two men or women kissing each other isn’t strange? This perversion is truly the hallmark of the days Jesus predicted would come. Oppression is found in every avenue of our great society from how we oppress men’s and fathers rights, to how we oppress other people from other countries when their land holds something of value we prize and want to control it based upon the, “Holy Grail”,  of excuses called “National Security”. We oppress people with our hypocritical view of the 1%ers  to how we tax those who can no-longer pay taxes nor catchup in what they owe because of the meager wages they earn. Again, we have forgotten honesty, integrity, and hard-work and have replaced it with a dollar sign and loophole in the tax code called shelters. Who would have ever thought our money would need a shelter?


11 “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” ~ Proverbs 11:1

All the above indeed has caused a false balance, one so greatly exacerbated that our very economic system will implode its just a matter of when. Largely this problem of economics is based upon a decision made when our country was still very young and it was made through weakness of the President of the time and Greed from the banking institutions. This of course of which I speak gave rise to the modern money system we enjoy today, one based upon credit and interest. A system we force feed the rest of the world and yet we are surprised upon the eve of its failure of why the world hates us? I say what a short memory we have and what a wonderful ability to spin the truth we have developed. A false balance created through lies, manipulation, and dishonest behavior. As with our nation so too many people around the world have fallen into this greed and sin as their personal lives spin out of control spiraling downward from the lavish  spending and while spouting aloud that this looming doom will never happen, turning a blind eye to the obvious as well as turning a blind eye to God. Simple truth is when we as mortals feel we are more powerful than the most powerful being in existence. When we examine this in full detail it  seems to me to be something seriously wrong with how we view ourselves, and how unbalanced we have as people, as well as, a nation have we become.

27 “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” ~ Proverbs 3:27

Again “HONESTY” is the ability to recognize the truth, to tell the truth even when it is not in ones best interest, and it is our obligation as believers to keep our brethren from lying, cheating, and stealing from others. But the sin which is greater than the total sum is when a person in their own heart and mind willfully ignores the truth, ignores honesty, and withholds an honest man his due. In this any victory is hollow, any triumph is rendered meaningless, and all effort to that end have thus become futile. When we are given the opportunity to tell the truth and we ignore that obligation we then are turning our backs on what God wants, we thus change the circumstances to fit our own personal wants, stopping what was supposed to come into fruition and instead allowing an abomination. Everyone of us is guilty of everything thus far mentioned, but some of us more so than others. It is a hard reality when we wake and see ourselves in such a stark light, but nevertheless something we all must eventually do if we want God’s grace to shine upon us.

8 “Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues with injustice.” ~ Proverbs 16:8

Profit over righteousness? This has become the true question. Who should we be loyal to? Which master will be more forgiving in the end? Which side should we be on in these days of such turmoil? Jesus professed there would be such days where we would be blinded to what was real, man would sircome to evil and nations would crumble and fall because of their greed. The depiction of the end by John of Patmos is truly horrifying to say the least, but how much more bizarre and alarming was it to the disciples when Jesus spoke of those days. In fact Jesus was more in line with the idea that even the smallest amount of righteousness was better than none. It’s funny how people of those times mirrored those of us today who still clammer and bicker about who should or should not, ignoring that it would be righteous to find peace and accomplish the task together for the benefit of all. Both time periods are largely incased in vast greed, and the pursuit of happiness and truth through money and possessions  again something Jesus emphatically instructed not to do. I would hazard a guess that Jesus was talking to them and us and our children, and all people until His glorious return.


9 “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices 10 andhave put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” ~ Colossians 3:9-10

Therefore, in what has been thus written a collection of mankind’s collective sins against God. Here before everyone of us is the sin of dishonesty and the challenge to reverse or at least atone for our ignorance. For God has so declared for all mankind to be honest, to not lie, to not steal, to not manipulate, and  to never pervert the truth in anyway. God commanded us  to not bare falsely against thy neighbor  and to love one another as you love yourself. The challenge before all of us as sinners is to change and be more honest with God, with ourselves, and with our loved ones. To cast off our old sinful ways, and cling to our new more incorruptible selves. The challenge of honesty is real, it is ever present, it does not ever go away, and it above all it is absolutely, brutally honest. As I have stated before, a lie is a lie and will always be a lie, but the truth is the most honest things we could ever possess in this life. It is the ideal we should all strive for, we should all help each other stay devoted too, and it is that goal we can taste but never truly own.


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Brian Keith

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Reflection 8: What You Can Expect From Life: According to GUILT

14 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. 16 See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.17 Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.” ~ Hebrew 12:12-17


The definition of guilt according to the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary is: “1: the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty; broadly : guilty conduct. 2 a : the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously, b : feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy : self-reproach. 3: a feeling of culpability for offenses.” (found on line:

Taking form the non-biblical view first guilt is the knowledge that you have committed some grievous act against another person and your conscience will not let you alone, it eats away at you and these emotions drag you down and weigh heavily upon you. Mans law assigns guilt, and then attempts to punish the guilty which it often fails miserably at doing. But the feelings of culpability is the true and right punishment for the guilty, and it is through this method which proves to be more superior than that of any law of man. Therefore, true guilt is not the realm of man, but that of God. No one on earth has the knowledge and truth and perfect wisdom to know exactly  how much guilt to assign nor could they ever assign the proper punishment, but God can because He alone see’s your heart. Thus, from here on we shall talk about true guilt in its purest form, that of spiritual punishment.


Some people don’t really feel guilt right away, then others are so incased in it they can hardly breath. The difference in these two types of people; who feel guilt and those who seemingly do not is simply a consequence  of the life they have lead, but surely I tell you everyone at some level feels God’s love as surely as they feel His scorn. God assigns the proper amount of guilt, and He alone can take it away. God is the perfect judge, and He is perfect in all of His judgements. Because of this those who are closer to God feel the guilt in a different way than that of a non-believer. A Godly person allows the guilt to bring them closer to God and to repent instantly, where as the non-believer allows the guilt to push them farther away from God, sinks further into the hole they themselves created and cannot climb out of and ultimately will did a sinner unforgiven and convicted of their transgressions with no hope of redemption. The unbeliever though it might not seem to affect them, will suffer greater than any believer, including Jesus who died for our sins. Satan through his masterful tongue lead one third of all the angels into sin, and is solely responsible for separating the unbelievers from God as well. So, in the purest form guilt is the wall that we all hit when we have sinned against God, and if not dealt with it will dispose of you. Guilt can be hell on earth, it can be debilitating, it can destroy relationships, and cause strife between husbands and wives, mothers from her children and fathers from their children, it separates and conquers like a well seasoned army unleashed without equal, and will kill the person it has infected if they do not repent and remain Godless. So you might ask why did God create such a formitable  method of punishment? Simple, because God did not want man to be separated and He wanted man to walk with Him as His children, not be filled with pride and thus stubborn like Satan. But like everything else Satan uses guilt to beat you over the head, to remind you of how much of a sinner you are, he wears you down with it, shakes you with it, and he convicts you of all your guilt unjustly even after God has forgiven you. Though, ironically the worst case of guilt is not felt by any mortal, but yet by that of Satan himself, for he is now locked into this struggle with God knowing that he has sinned greater than any being in existence and thus, it is through guilt Satan strives so hard to eliminate God, and separate and divide the children of God. It is through Satan’s guilt do we make war against our brethren, do we harbor ill feelings for those who have wronged us, it is through Satan’s guilt that we sin, and it is through guilt that God assigns that which can if allowed bring us closer to God, because God still loves us, still forgives us, and we are still His alone.


9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” ~ 1John 1:9

It is promised in almost every book of the Bible that God will forgive us our sins, yet so many people don’t believe in that, thus their faith has abandoned them. In this these people blame God of their circumstances and blame God for not intervening when it is their own fault due to lack of faith.  These people are hypocrites and say they love God, but do not practice what they preach, thus they act within the same manner as Satan, as they assign guilt upon others and give no mercy, even when God has given His divine forgiveness and mercy. These people do these things because like Satan they have been found guilty by God and thus refuse to seek His forgiveness instead they bolt and run away consumed with guilt, letting it fester and take root, in the end they through their own guilt become bitter and seek to make other bitter as well. In saying this I first want to remind everyone that guilt is given by God in the perfect amount for the sin you have committed against Him. Secondly, you cannot escape it and therefore it makes no sense to run and hide, but rather ask for God’s forgiveness. When you ask God of His forgiveness then He upholds all of His promises and will give it remembering your sin no more.

12 “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” ~ Hebrew 8:12

Therefore, if God forgives you there is no man who can condemn you, there is no other guilt which your soul can be held accountable for and within the eyes of God you have been washed clean. The trap so many of us fall into is that part of us knows we have been forgiven, but the lies of Satan are so strong our hearts are still heavy. The flip side to this is we have asked God and do not feel any better, and  the lies of Satan are so powerful we allow his guilt to penetrate our hearts and thus we become miserable within it. But in either case, know that God will do what he has promised, for forgiveness and mercy is His specialty. Only God can forgive sin, only God has promised forgiveness and mercy, and has delivered it through Jesus Christ, only God has the power to absolve your sin and forgive your guilt, for when He does this then you are truly guilt free.

  12 “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” ~ Psalm 103:12

So with these truths what do you do if someone refuses to forgive you of the sin you committed against them even when God has forgiven you? Truly I say to you people can be cruel, people can be mean. If your brethren harbors ill for you then their sin is rife with God, for God has commanded all of us to be as Jesus and forgive. God has commanded us all to be merciful to each other, to love one-another, to be understand, patient, and kind. There simply is no room in Heaven for lack of forgiveness, for spitefulness  for cruelty of any kind, and there is no room in God’s heart for these sins. If they refuse to forgive you, then they are not of God. More to the point as human beings the only true thing you can do is to try and never give up, never walk away, and fill your heart with forgiveness for their hardness of heart. (The only time this does not apply is if your sin was of such a destructive nature, i.e. sexual molestation, murder, mental or physical ect., where by your very presence is destructive to the other person who you wish to forgive you. In this God may have forgiven you, but victims of certain crimes have been placed in such turmoil that true forgiveness may take many years to achieve and its best to leave your request in Gods hands.)  In specific cases where children have become estranged to one of their parents because of the nature of a divorce  there may be hard feelings, especially if the child was forced to choose one parent over the other,. The parent who is left without anything goes through an-array of emotions which starts with guilt and ends with empathy. The loss of a child in this manner is worse than loosing them to death, because there is no closure, no burial,  no manner in-which to say goodbye, and no absolution, no means of contact, no hope for a relationship which is ingrained into our every fiber of our beings by God, and it goes against the very nature of parenthood. There is only long suffering and for the weak of heart many end this agonizing pain with the absolute sin, that of suicide. The hatred which envelops a parent to rip the child away from an ex-spouse is child abuse, it is self serving as the aim is to make the parents life easier by not having to deal with the unwanted ex-spouse. It is supremely selfish and it is not of God and it boggles my mind why the courts allow this behavior, why they enable this behavior. In manny case the lawyers insight it, and the courts go along with it and the children suffer because of it. So in this case the child must try harder to make a mends, to stand up and be strong and fight to have that relationship which one parent has sought to destroy, and in to many cases children fail to do this because they do not have the life experience to understand nor comprehend what is going on in the first place. Instead the children internalize it, they become racked with guilt, and begin to believe the situation is their fault, and thus act harshly without wisdom, or common sense ending up doing more harm than good, which causes more guilt. As this situation is protracted by the court without fairness which is often the case, then the parent who is asked to sacrifice everything and left with nothing is in the end completely and utterly destroyed. Guilt in this belongs to the parent who cause this to happen, because they planned and executed it and the guilt is also upon the court for allowing it for in-sighting it, guilt is upon the lawyers who ushered in this destruction through their warped sense of justice, and in the end guilt of having this blood upon the hands of the guilty cannot be of God but that of Satan. I write about this in order to bring attention to the situations that millions of men and thier children are being subjected to through Parental Alienation, and we as Godly people cannot allow our courts to have such over arching power as to allow one parent absolute domination in a child’s life, because again this is child abuse!


7 “Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” ~ Isaiah 55:7

Children forgive your parents, parents forgive your children, husbands pardon your wives, wives pardon your husbands. If you are at war with your brethren end it for it is unGodly, leave the wickedness behind and move into the mindset of God for your own sake! Love and be loved freely. This I say to you, for this is the only right path as you move forward within your walk with God. Never give into the lies of Satan who will attempt to convinced you that you are guilty even after God has forgiven you. Never become the slave to guilt which is so easily prevented by asking God to forgive you. Never walk away from your father who Loves you more than any one could, for it was He who granted you life, who is molding you into a better person,  and who send His only son so that you may be saved. God’s love is greater than your guilty heart, greater than your guilty conscience, even greater than your sin.

  17 “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a  new creature: old things are past away; behold, all things have become new!” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:17


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Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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Brian Keith

Reflection 7: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Gossip

13 “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.”

~ Psalm 34:13

“He said”, “She said”, “They said”, “No one said that!”, “Everyone was saying…!”, “Hey, don’t tell him but…!”

There is nothing anymore disgusting to the Lords ears and heart than that of  GOSSIP!  There is no other form of speech which is more misleading, and it is so on purpose with malicious intent or else it would not be called GOSSIP!  This is the idle chatter in the break-room, or between friends over the phone, or housewives as they sip tea in the afternoon. It is an action that demands a reaction, and the small pebble  thrown into the lake does not cause a small ripple, but a tsunami of destruction once it lands upon the ears of its target. It is an action mostly done in secret under the veil of good intent or innocent fun that could in the hands of the wrong people destroy the life of the one whom is being spoken about – behind their back. Key word here is “behind-ones-back”, (adverb: deceitfully: Synonyms; covertly, secretly, sneakily, sub-rose, surreptitiously), and it is all these things, (though you might want to argue the point out of guilt for being caught), because as children we all taught through watching our parents that this thing called GOSSIP is rude and  therefore we don’t speak about peoples’ private business to others. Well, perhaps in todays day-and-age we have become more sophisticated and have become masters at keeping it out of view. On the other hand had we done what our grandparents thought when dealing with conflict when problems arise by taking it to that person privately. But this takes to much courage and honesty  to confront them. “YES!”, to say your peace to their face and not behind their back is less fun indeed! This one word; or more to the point this one “action”; that which is especially troublesome because it goes against everything the Bible teaches, for it was an “action” thought about before being perpetrated  which gives away the fact that there was a choice to take part at some point that was made whether indirectly or directly. A small choice that which carries with it such harm, a small action that reveals a much deeper plot, for there had to have been a plan set into motion, a road map followed, and the fault in character exploited to carry it out, indeed a choice was give, received  and made. For I tell you there is no worse a crime in the eyes of God than this idle chatter disguised as innocent behavior, one seen from afar coming. All while in your heart knowing it to be wrong, but instead of subverting the notion the choice to do it anyway; ignoring the repercussions at someone-else’s expense!  For I say to you, “GOSSIP”, is not harmless chatter, but yet the Devils tool to separate and divide, it is an evil tool to isolate people from the crowd, and it is a vile way to conduct business of any-kind!  Gossip is evil and if you think for one moment you can contain it then you my friend are sadly mistaken!


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16 “Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour; I am the Lord.” ~ Leviticus 19:16

A simple play on words with the word “GOSSIP”: For it sounds like SURIP, running thick and hot, so sweet and delightful, thus it is slow and deadly for if swallow whole or gobbled up instead of  SIPED and over time savoring the taste, thus to much your stomach will ache. It is one of the greatest temptations known to man-kind, one that which many fall into, and many become addicted too. Evidence of this is found in the first two links above in the pervious paragraph of websites that which at their very core is based upon spreading rumors and falsehoods, causing mischief in such a sublime way that we take it for granted and easily dismiss the evil veiled within. Evidence of the acceptances of GOSSIP in our modern lives is found in our magazines which peddle stories like, “ELVIS IS STILL ALIVE”, or “Emily Maynard; FURIOUS OVER JEF’S TELL-ALL.” More sicking than ever is the Kardashian Sisters take over of US Weekly as they, “DEFEND THEIR MEN”, when there is so many stories of these three destroying countless mens lives and fooling the public all for the sake of money!  How much does Kim make? “CLICK HERE!”  Well according to, Wetpaint Entertainment Staff, who wrote in an online article this past  February, “The über-driven reality queen makes an estimated $40,000 per episode of the Kardashian spin-offs.”  Wetpaint also reported, “E! recently revealed that Ms. Kardashian rakes in a whopping $5.45 million a year. According to The Daily Beast, which dubbed her the highest-earning reality TV star, Kim took in $6 million in 2010. And that, they point out, is a conservative estimate.”  In this reporting of Kim’s earnings do we find the key or give away and is the shining example I have thus far warned you about when describing the allure of GOSSIP! For in the very last quote from Wetpaint’s article; How Much Money Does Kim Kardashian Make?”, that which was published in the online Magazine appropriately named, “THE KARDASHIANS”,  is the word, “Estimate”! They use this word for legal purposes, but in truth they also use it because they don’t know so in truth they are “GUESSING!”  Here’s some food-for-thought; wouldn’t it be more ethical to write something that was going to be absorbed by the masses that which was proven to be the truth? “Oh…I forgot”, the truth doesn’t sell well in the realm of  “Reality-TV”, which in and of itself is an oxymoron! Why write about something common, something provable when speculation is more palatable? The other question which might make you think is,”Why does WETPAINT,E!,US WEEKLY, or any other T.V show or MAgazine care so much about how much Kim Kardashian or her sisters make or what they do?”  Simply put, they care because you care, the masses, the sheep being lead to the slaughter care, and that kind of mischief sells articles! Kim and her sisters are just as guilty of the crime of sensationalism; which,” is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are over-hyped to increase viewership or readership numbers” (“Issue Area: Sensationalism.” Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting). So the money is found in the numbers, and in droves does so many people eat this useless noise up, sipping on it as if it was honey, waiting for the next weekly broadcast of the rich and famous, as these magazines peddle the promise of a moments escape form a perceived boring life lived in the boring areas of our country known to everyone as the “suburban sprawl.” The concept of a boring life is what they sell to you through broadcasting a famous persons fabulous life as they burn through money as if it was water! “Man… what I would do with all that money or fame…”, this illusion is their empire built from your back!  It is you the readers and watchers of this garbage that allow the lavish life style of people like Kim as Hollywood pebbles the lives of the famous, attention getters, and setters, before you calling it real when in fact what they do is for the numbers, and in reality they all, everyone of them have sold their soul and become slave to their viewers because of the numbers.

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For I say to you people, wake-up from your GOSSIP DRUG! Here before you are people whom most of the population will never truly meet or know and who’s lives are no better than the ones we, (the common people),  are forced to live. It is all to easy to dismiss the veiled  implication of GOSSIP columnists, and their talebearing, but evil is evil no matter the form! For I say to you, if you are faithfully to God, the only news you need is that which comes from God Himself, and His news is the most righteous and most high in all the world! For it is not talebearing, but truth telling!

I personally challenge Kim and her sisters, which I have no bias against, nor ill will, but to do for them as I do for everyone and that is to set straight the ways of God, spreading His will to your heart through the telling of truth; that if they indeed want to make a difference then help those in need. I say to you I would love to see Kim feeding the homeless, shooting her show in the gutters of America and spend her money building households of love than to spend it on a fake marriage and rapid retreat to the man she had left only now to defend. I invite her to come to my school in Los Angeles, it’s just a short hop on her private plane if she was in New York, or a limousine ride form her home in L.A. All my kids would love to meet her, support a couple a hundred beautiful children’s education for a year or two, for this would be just a drop in the bucket for her GOSSIP EMPIRE and go to prove me wrong. I hope that she does for her own sake. 

We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” ~ 1 John 4:6

The origin of GOSSIP; is roughly 3,500 years old, according to Ben Widdicombe, online columnist for Time Magazine, as he wrote, “according to the author Roger Wilkes. ‘Cuneiform tablets dating from 1500 B.C. chronicle a Mesopotamian mayor having an affair with a married woman,’ he wrote in a 2002 book, ‘Scandal: A Scurrilous History of Gossip.'” In retrospect I find his article very well written. The awesome thing about his article is found within the title, “Poparazzi | A History of Gossip”, a title which is clearly attention getting, not just to a readers eyes, but to that of the search engines of our modern web, or better known as S.E.O., and he clearly states this as his first order of business. So we can deduce from this that we are not dealing with a new phenomena rather an old evil, and I hazard to guess the notion of telling-tall-tales to grab peoples attention goes farther back than just a messly 3,500 years. In our modern era “GOSSIP” is forever linked with the word, “POPARAZZI”, which has only both furthered the down slide of the word GOSSIP, but has also sensationalized it.  Thus, propagating a veil practice of snippy articles and scandalous pictures which go to fuel the imagination for the soul purpose to make money.

5 “So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.” ~ James 3:5-6

As James did not mince words neither have I in this harsh reflection of mans actions, but for the sake of a few to profit. My harsh words and disposition is not to be taken as a means to make famous the very message I write or to rank high in SEO web searches, but again to inform and to explain the evil that which is among us. The very evil which uses our tongue to cause mischief, destruction, and the very flame of hell it’s self. I would thus be remis if I took calmed my words and did not teach what is the message found in the Bible. For James so rightfully pointed out that,

3 “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.” ~ James 3:1-2

For indeed not all of us was given the same talents, an yet we all stumble and fall. We all have hardships and in the eyes of God we are all the same, His children. But to the teachers, I must confess the sin of talebearing is a mortal mistake, thus I bring to you the truth of the matter. In this way too isn’t the famous the story’s they teach through their examples so sensationalized a form of teaching, and if so then the gossip they spread is their undoing. For the things of this world is not forever, and it all will pass away. 

20 “For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. 21 As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife. 22 The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.” ~ Proverbs 26:20-22

Is it not also true that if teachers stop teaching the flame of imagination is extinguished from their students hearts. It is not the distraction of things are the attentions of those less in knowledge taken with no hope of reproach, no way to thus defend their weaker state of mind? What a state of disrepute and disrepair have thus we fallen so far? What then do they learn or glean from life with no more will to learn but rather a lackluster manner of viewing the world they inhabit through the glow of those who do not represent the truth, rather a fantasy.  I tell you now, no teacher has the right to extinguish this flame from their students hearts nor stand idly by and say or do nothing while ever watching their beloved children sink into an endless quagmire of sin. Nor does any origination, corporation, or GOSSIP Empire have the right to misslead our children with their illusions and promises of a momentary escape upon such fanciful lies! To these people I write; our children are watching! Be mindful of the things that which you love to spread, for our children, your children are watching! But it is also true that those who are talebearers love to spin mischief, spreading it upon the wind, allowing it to fall upon the masses like rain drops from a gentle storm. But it is also true that in the same manner is pestilence spread and  from this does sickness take root, and from that does the multitude die; withering away in the tale winds which blow from an unknown decease, liken to GOSSIP! Be weary I say to you, for God is watching! For these illusions of grandeur and fake pretenses are the sum of mans total sin. There will be no mercy given to those who spread rumors, and tall tales, there is no place in Heaven for those who weave lies for the sake of personal gain, and for those who love to watch a persons life sink into the flames of hell due to untruths and the bearing of false witness.  The greatest of examples in this GOSSIP SIN is non-other than Lucifer himself, the most beautiful, the morning star turned the great tempter, first angel turned master of SIN, turned into Satan, the great devil despised by God and by the world!


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Brian Keith

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God Bless,

Brian Keith