Reflection 1: Family of God pt1

46 “While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. 48 But he replied to the man who told him, ‘Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?’ 49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.'”~ Matthew 12:46-50 

Anyone who does the will of God is the brother of Jesus, as stated by Matthew. But what about those non-believers who do not do the will of God? What about all those people who live in sin and perversion refusing to repent? What about the majority of mankind? The fact is that those who believe and are faithful, obeying the rituals and traditions of the church are becoming fewer and fewer in number. The more advanced our society the more distant from God the populous has allowed their hearts to travel. In the end will it matter? If it does how many millions of people will have perished because they could not believe the words spoken by Jesus. How many people will have ignored the singular chance to be a brother or sister of our savior?

Family is everything, or in years past this was the teaching.  Blood is thicker than water or that was the saying.  Honor is won or lost depending on the actions of the family as a whole, but this too has given way to individualism.  As the pendulum swings (as the lawyers often say in reference to case law), we as people, one race under God have become more concerned with, “self”, than with, “we – the human collective”.  Through that process we have been deceived by Satan into putting more value into what makes us happy as an individual regardless the impact it has ( or will have), on others. This selfishness includes ignoring the direct impact on people in our lives such as our close relatives and everyone in between reaching as far out as to affect  our world-wide human family. This infection is worse than any plague of the Dark Ages as this selfishness has now been allowed by all who have stopped believing in one God, one people, one family, one Bible, one faith, and all of Gods miracles to now make the blasphemous argument that condones self-centeredness, greed, lust, and blind ambition instead of blind-faith in God! Each of these sins which again the populous of planet Earth has allowed into their  mind, heart, and soul has marred each heart it touches infecting it with such ugliness there is no words to describe it, thus this sin leaves behind a distinguishing feature on each person and their personal nature. All while Satan and his sinners go about justifying their actions which in retrospect has devolved into ignoring God and ignoring our rightful place as a brother or sister of Jesus Christ. In this what they have really said to God is, “We are happier with things, with our selfish wants, with anything else that allows us to not honor another’s code or since of justice, in short anything which allows us to do what we want, when we want, and how we want!  Even if that means we are eternally separated from Gods Holy Family!”

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28

Our Lord gave us three specific invitations to become part of His family. The first was to the weary, burdened, and to the tired. To these members of Christ’s family does he promise to give them rest. What exactly does Jesus mean when he talks about giving us everlasting rest. Well, Jesus promises to pull them close to Him, protect them, forgive them, and to take on their many burdens so they won’t have to bear them any longer. If you know your bible then this sound oddly familiar, for wasn’t this what Jesus willing sacrificed himself for? Didn’t he die for the entire human race so that we all would be saved, so that we all would be under His divine protection, having no worries? But to promise this he first separated our needs into specific groups with different and equal distinctions so that each person within that group would not only believe Him, but to also want to be His brother or sister.

17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” ~ Mark 1:17

First Jesus promised to take your burdens, then he promised to mold you into His disciple. Again, the first qualification to be a brother or sister in Christ is to submit to Jesus, thus giving up your will, wants, and desires, and doing the will of God. By becoming His brother or sister you also become His blessed disciple, again doing the will of God.

Secondly, just as Jesus does not take away what he has given or promised, neither should you as His disciple take back what you have promised or given. For this distorts and destroys hope and to be the destroyer of hope is not the will of God. Remember it was said, 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33

4 “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” ~ John 15:4

Jesus’s third promise was to remain within you. Therefore, in every aspect of your life if you abide in Him, He promises to remain in you. No one can do the exact will of God absent of God in their own life. No one can be called a disciple of Christ and at the same time be doing evil deeds. Likewise, a baby can not survive without it parents nurturing hand, therefore we cannot succeed without God for everything in this world is His alone to give or take. For His thoughts are not our thoughts, our ways are not His ways.

Modern Day Threats to God’s Family

Divorce is the number one weapon Satan has used in our lives as he seeks to divide and concur! However, hidden from view most people have no clue the evil of divorce and that in reality there are two kinds of divorce. The first kind is the legal separation from your spouse, which in turn if you have children opens your life and family to the evils of man’s law known as the Family Court which destroys your family and your life and which is illegal in its very practice, (more on this later). The second type of divorce is no less destructive, as it is the dissolution of your faith and standing with God for man’s law cares not for morality, nor the teaching of the Bible, because if it did then it could not proclaim the perverted message that it does, “To protect the best interest of your children.” Namely this guiding principle is never upheld when one parent seeks to destroy the other and the courts allow the behavior of that selfish spouse. Alarmingly, studies prove beyond any doubt that women all over the world are getting away with disenfranchising their husbands robbing their children of a father who loves them.

“Unfortunately, the desire for ongoing and liberal visitation between child and nonresidential parent has frequently not kept pace with actual practices. The Children’s Rights Council (1994) estimates that six million children in the United States have their visitation interfered with by the custodial parents. Two surveys support the range of this problem. Arditti (1992) reports that approximately 50% of divorced fathers relate that their ex-wife has interfered with visitation with their offspring. Similarly, approximately 40% of custodial mothers admit denying their ex-husband visitation in order to punish him (Kressel, 1985). In some cases, visitation interference has been associated with malicious unlawful acts against the father of such children (Turkat, in press). On rare occasions, a parent may actually kidnap the child.” ~ Ira Daniel Turkat, PH.D., CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, VOL. 14. NO. 8, pp. 737-742, 1994

This leads to millions of children through divorce looses one of their parents namely the father. Then there is those in our society who ask this moronic question, “Where did all the fathers go?” Satan’s great plan to divide and concur through divorce is where all our the good fathers have gone. A more important question then lurks in the background, “How can you believe in God if he allowed your ex-wife to destroy your life and legally steel your kids from you?” This question destroys faith, destroys hope, destroys lives again namely that of our fathers who wanted so much to be a father to their children and who is being prevented from doing so by the court.  97% of these men have been turned into and measured by how much money they can provide their ex-spouse, thus reducing their role as nothing more than a living breathing wallet. They are then condemned when they cannot provide as society calls them “dead beat dads”, or absent tee fathers, ironically it was the court which placed them in such a position in the first place.  This is called alienation for a reason and it should also be called a crime and child abuse and which is being allowed and perpetrated by the courts!  It used to be each party had to prove the other unfit, but in today’s Family Court System a claim becomes proof with or without hard evidence! This practice has both disenfranchised and denied more parents the right of Due-Process as most Judges shirk their responsibility and do not read everything nor consider everything. When Family Code is sited in court declarations and the mother denies responsibility and alleges other more hurtful allegations against the father without documented proof then most  Judges automatically side with the mother calling her the “primary caregiver”. Even though it has been proven she had openly kept the child from the father and prevented equal access on court appointed time with their children or child. These are just a few experiences I have had and others like me have had in court as we fight for equal time with our children in the State of California, but in no way shape or form is this illegal activity just happening in California, but worldwide!

3 “Children are a gift from the Lord.  They are a reward from him.  4 Children who are born to people when they are young are like arrows in the hands of a soldier.  5 Blessed are those who have many children.  They won’t be put to shame when they go up against their enemies in court.” ~ Psalm 127:3-5

God gave mankind his offspring, not the courts!  God gave authority and the power to raise each child to (his/her)parents, not the court! God gave the sacred duty of bringing children up in the ammunition of the Lord to the parents, not to the courts! Our very Constitution of the United States of America gives each person the right to practice religion, thus our very Constitution extends to protect each parents sacred rights endowed to all men to parent by God through Psalm 127: 3-5.



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ~ United States Constitution – First Amendment.

This does not give the Government (State or Federal) the right to tear our families apart and disfranchising men from the role of father which we are so endowed by God to raise on a daily basis! No Government has the right to take a child or give more custody to one parent over the other because no Government has more authority than God!  God gave to me and my ex-wife our daughter equally, God gave to my friends who are fighting for custody and the rights to see their children to them and their ex-spouses equally. In short there should never be a fight over custody as that is something God given and no man has the right to deny or alter or change! The Family Courts of the world are operating illegally every time they give a mother the right to move away and take from the father all rights of making decisions on schooling, or anything else which pertains to the raising of their children/child.  No parent has the right to destroy the family because they are so selfish as to seek revenge on their former spouse, as this does not show love for or hold within it the best interest of the children involved but quit the opposite. Every-time a child is kept form seeing an alienated parent be it from the ex-spouse, court, police, or anyone else they have broken Gods sacred commandments.

“The child is not the mere creature of the State. Those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” ~ 1925 Supreme Court ruling: Pierce v. Society of Sister

I call upon all of you to stand and fight against this travesty which affects billions of parents world wide and even more children. I ask you to petition the Church, the Courts, your local and Federal Governments writing to them letters of outrage; letting them know how wrong these trespasses are and how hurtful they have become! I call upon every child who has been victimized in this way to stand and speak out about how much guilt you have carried by being forced to chose between two parents you love, telling the world how devastating this illegal choice again forced upon you by the courts! Speak out about the anger and frustration and the devastation it brought to your life and how confused you became during those years which you most likely have buried deep inside! I ask everyone to speak out because it is child abuse being perpetrated by the courts and it fly’s in the face of both State and Federal Family Code, the Constitution, and that of God and is directly apposed by His Devin will and purpose of parenthood!

“The hallmark of [the parental] relationship is the readily observable fact that this special adult is not interchangeable with others.” ~ Dr. Jack Shonkoff Board-certified pediatrician Harvard Graduate School of Education

I want to take out this moment to call attention to a friend of mine who lives in San Diego California and who’s wife of many years; a women who has denied him equal access to their beautiful daughter for years. Denied him access to a child who loves both of her parents dearly. Here is a mother who’s personal life that is more important to her than some of her other motherly duties, and whom is not  a citizen of these United States of America and who just won the right to move away to her native home of Italy. Here is a child who is a citizen of the United States, who’s father is a citizen of the United States and a father who will not be able to visit his daughter after the move because of finances. A man who has dedicated his life to educating others and is a Professor in Higher Education, a man who has been made to look like he does not love his only child because he took a few jobs over the years out of the State of California so he could provide for his family. Here is a man who has been brought to the edge of financial ruin because of the courts and this illegal system! Again, no court has the power to create such chaos in a parents life, nor do they have the right to disenfranchise or pick between the two parents or decide which parental relationship to destroy and which parental relationship to honor! It is a perversion before God and it needs to stop! I ask everyone to pray for my good friend Joseph.

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” ~ C. Everett Koop Former US Surgeon General

I ask all of you to also pray for all parents in their struggles with the worlds illegal courts who seek to divide and concur just like the great Satan they where devised from. Each week I will ask you to pray for a parent I know who has been divested by these rulings which have no place in our world and are illegal as again the court has no power over the laws of God. Each parent I will ask you to pray for during this Series on Family who has deeply touched my heart as I have heard them, written to them, and been moved by them. I will ask that you pray for both men and women and every single child caught by this devastating and selfish weapon unleashed by one of their parents as they seek revenge as mentioned above.

A Prayer Written by a Child of Divorce:

In Jesus’s name we pray,

My Dear Father in Heaven,
Please hold me tight and see the pain in my heart,
Please Lord – please be for me the Father that I need,
To make me feel happy and secure,
As my own father is so far away from me,
And I see him so few times,
I feel so sad and so alone without him,
He is never able to make dinner for me, celebrate holidays, or even read me a story to put me to bed,
Only You dear Lord can take care of me and care for all my needs,
Never again will I have to go to bed or wake up alone,
For You My God shall be with me.

“This prayer written by a child of divorced parents, should perhaps be mandatory reading for any couple with children, who is contemplating divorce. Maybe parents who have “thrown in the towel”, giving up all hope on their marriage – after reading this prayer and feeling the child’s pain – will decide to “dig deeper” into their emotional resources to find a solution for the marriage to work, so that their children should be spared such pain.” ~ The SilentOne, 2011.

“Overwhelmingly, the teenagers who were polled named spending time with family as their top answer. For nearly three quarters – 73 percent – their relationship with their parents is what makes them most happy.” ~, The Vital Child-Parent Relationship


If you liked this Reflection on FAMILY please leave a comment. Also please “LIKE” and “SHARE” this post with others.

Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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God Bless,

Brian Keith


Special Post: Father's Day

Fathers As Teachers

7 “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?” ~ Hebrews 12:7

All my life I have watched my father raise his children up knowing the Lord. I have had the pleasure to see him at his best and at his complete worst; I have seen him in his victories and in his defeats; I have loved him always in all that he has faced; because I know he did all those things and made all those sacrifices not for himself, but for that of his family. I have watched how gentle he has become with his grandchildren, and now his great grand child. I have seen him be filled with love, heard him speak out against injustice, and I have seen him defend his family to the bitter end. My father taught me many different things about life, about myself, and lessons about himself, and that of his father whom was not so much around when he was a child. My father vowed to make a difference, to be a teacher even though he had no clue that he was in fact teaching us how to be honorable, respectful, honest, and loving. My dad is funny in that he has gone deaf and his responses are not quite what they would have been if he had heard what was being said to him. My father has also gone bald and I used to make fun of his lack of hair and even played with the little bit which adorned the northern most portion of his head. My father despite these two short comings endured, and was able to poke fun at himself and laugh when I made my childish jokes. As a child I loved spending time with him especially on those Saturday mornings when he would wake me up at 6am to have coffee and watch the sun come up over the trees in our backyard, it is to those memories I will always cherish. I loved going fishing with him, loved reading him my stories, loved watching “All Star Wrestling”, and I dearly loved hearing his stories of his childhood, his dreams, his mistakes, and listening faithfully to his hopes and heart breaks. My father is not the easiest man to get to know, he is not the gentlest man, nor is he the most patient man, but I love him and I am honored to be his son. My father is my favorite teacher, my favorite role-model, my favorite supporter because  he taught me how to be a real person and a real man. I know my father has endured hardship, he has made many sacrifices, for he has instilled those lessons deep within me. It is because of this teaching I have endured, I have prospered in adversity, and like him I have been strong in the face of my many hardships and heartbreaks. I know my father would not call himself a teacher, rather he looks at himself as an ordinary man who did the best he could for his family, but he is much more than that to me. It was my father who introduced me to God, who answered many of my questions about the role of God, and it was my father who taught me not to fear such things as death because God is even there with us. My father introduced me to the meaning of family for he gave me a set of grand-parents who I adored immensely. My father introduced me to life, how the  real world works, he did his best to guide me and show me how to be responsible when all I wanted to do was shrink and hide. My father pulled me up by the britches and made me stand-up and taught me that honor is everything a man is and is the only thing a man has. I would not know the things I do about car engines had it not been for my father calling me down to the garage and showing me different car parts. To this point I must say I was not at the time interested at all about engines not like my father was and I missed out on those moments because of my stubbornness and lack of tolerance for those specific lessons he tried in vain to teach. Likewise, my father never stop trying and in those moments when I was an adult I found myself so grateful for having him reteach what I should have learned when I was younger. One of the fondest memories I have is our many trips to the cabin located within the Hills of the Lake of the Ozarks, a cabin his parents build and turned into our favorite getaway. I loved hearing his points of view, and arguing about most of them. But the one moment I am to this day in awe of is how my father without warning showed me his feeling, his hurts, and he felt comfortable enough to open up to me in a way I have never seen before or since. In that experience I learned more about my father which was and had been a complete mystery for most of my life. He alone taught me that I will never stop learning, growing, evolving, and feeling. As a disciplinarian my father was the worst, for in his moments of anger at use kids I feared him, but I never stopped loving him. I always knew how far he would go and I found myself always test those boundaries and again most of the time learning things about him that I could not have ever guest otherwise. I find myself now taking up his mantle of teaching, though I have become a professional and hold two Masters in Education and have surpassed my father in this area, I still feel he is smarter and wiser than I will ever be even with my degrees. I see traits in my character that is oddly simular to his and I find myself saying things to all my children in my classroom that he had said to me when I was a child. In raising my daughter I tried my hardest because my father had tried his hardest first. I told my daughter many stories that I know she loved to hear just as my father had told  first told me. Like my father I introduced God to my daughter and tried to teach her all the many lessons my father had taught me. I hold my father up as the example of what a father should be and though I am now painfully estranged from my only child, (not by my own fault), I will never stopped trying to teach her the lessons she was not willing to take out the time with me to learn, just as my father has never stopped trying to teach me and still teaches me to this very day. In many ways I too look at myself as just a common ordinary person, (father), who is doing the best that he can, just like my dad.


My Dad / My Daughter / My Family

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History of Fathers Day

6 “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” ~ Malachi 4:6

Fathers day was started by a daughter who loved her father so much she changed how America looked and treated fathers. It was the religious organizations who helped her make this a nation wide celebration, and thus it is very much rooted in the American fabric and in our religious history. With persistence fathers are now celebrated and remembered for their contribution within the American family unit. It is not to be under scored the role fathers play in the raising of their children and when all the facts are summed up, Fathers are every bit as important as Mothers.  Just as the bible proclaims it takes two to raise a child, it takes both a Mother and a Father.

I want to take this moment to wish every father around the world a wonderful Fathers Day, and I hope this day is remembered and celebrated by all families until the end of all time. For we are also celebrating our eternal father in heaven when we we celebrate our own fathers and their contribution.

FATHERS DAY CHALLENGE: I want to hear about your fathers, describe him in a couple of sentences and I will post what you have written below this challenge under the heading Your Fathers. I can’t wait to hear from all of you!



Greg Brede “I would like to add many Fathers that I know that have been Parent Child Relationship Challenged by the Family Court and affiliated Officer’s of the Courts: Nicholas Haas, David Johnson, David Vandenberg, Mike Prieto, Bill Lynch, Marty Flynn, Joseph Kenick III, DrJoe Rabinovitz, Gus Breton, Tom McCarthy, Ed Bryans, Andy Scutura and many other great Dads”

Keith Marsolek “4 men have always inspired me in my life.God, Jesus, my Dad and Allan Gantt. Thank you all for who I am today.”

Diane Firestone “I thank God who has given me a father who speaks quietly, teaches me integrity, loves me unconditionally, teaches how to barter, and has rock solid, old fashioned, values. Thank You dad!”

Angie Ochoa: “Happy Fathers Day Mr. Stark”

Joseph Di Lella “My Papa was my BEST friend, my mentor, teacher and guide through the toughest times of my life. He passed only 8 years ago last Thursday, but it seems like yesterday. He is always remembered and loved . . .”



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Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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God Bless,

Brian Keith


Special Post: Congradulations My Ascension Students!

24 “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” ~ Psalm 31:24

My heart was taken up in joy this week as two awesome events took place, for two sets of my children; one set I have taught for four years and the other set not yet but I soon, all graduated. One set became Alumni of our school headed to High School and the other passed the threshold from Pre-K to Kinder. Each year that goes by I have wanted to capture the moment in the best way possible so this year I had an Alumni come back and help finish off the Digital Year Book and create two special movies… I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do. This is a small window into the world I live and enjoy as an educator.


 To the Class of 2013

I will miss all of you very much and I hope you take with you good courage in the Lord, for He is always with you.


To the Class of 2022

Though I am not your teacher yet, to many of your brothers and sisters I have been. I want to impart with you the courage to always do good, to always do your best, and to always look to God for salvation. This unfinished movie is symbolic of your unfinished journey through your life and life-long education. 

13 “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” ~ Isaiah 54:13

I end this message with a challenge for all people to raise their children knowing the Lord, for all parents to work their differences out, and for all children to love both of your parents equally and to forgive them their many mistakes as your children shall also do because you found forgiveness first.


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Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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HELP SUPPORT LISTENING FAITHFULLY BLOG BY MAKING ALL YOUR ONLINE PURCHASES THROUGH OUR WEB STORE!  CLICK HERE.  As a special token of appreciation please accept a free downloadable gift from me to you: FREE BIBLE

While  at our Online store powered by please consider being one the 20 special supporters of Listening Faithfully and purchase a Kindle Fire today. One Kindle Fire supports one child for this Summers Technology Team Course at Ascension Catholic School.  Become a supporter of inner city literacy today!

God Bless,

Brian Keith


Reflection 12: What You Can Expect From Life: According to MARRIAGE

18 “May your fountain be blessed,  and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.” ~ Proverbs 5:8-19

What Marriage is Not

18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” ~ Romans 1:18-32

In our modern society today a raging debate of what lawful marriage is verse what spiritual marriage is and in this debate there is lost to man the perspective and vision of God and what he intended it to be. I say this because I feel it is important to not ignore the oldest book in human history which discribes in detail our creators intent and to simply ignore God’s intension is simply the act of fools. With that said, I do not support nor condone same sex marriage, but I will concede that man’s law not only has condoned it in most places, but also openly accepts it as an alternative to traditional, (natural), marriage. Though I  stand apposed to man’s law, I am not and will not single any person out or be superficial with their beliefs or make fun of those who chose this alternative life style. Thus, the first point I want to make on this topic of Marriage can be summed up by calling it first and foremost a relationship, one that should last for a lifetime. I can love a person but never be married to them, I can share the important parts of my friends life’s again without being married to them, I can be loyal and trustworthy without being married, and I can inherit possessions from those who have past on without being married to them. For marriage is a biblical practice between one man and one women, for that is what God so intended for mankind. All the laws of man that support same sex marriage is an abomination in the eyes of God, you only have to look it up in Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:22Romans 1:20-271 Corinthians 6:3-101 Corinthians 7:2–16, and Ephesians 5:23–33, to mention just a few, and to ignore these holy teachings is not forward thinking, or out of the box, or advancements on God’s intent, rather contrary to popular belief it is very much mocking, disrespectful, is openly rebellious, and flat out heresy  to God!  The acts of the foolish will be punished accordingly by God, and it is not for me or anyone else to judge but rather state the facts as they have been presented and known since the dawn of mankind on planet Earth. 

What Marriage Is

3 “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.” ~ 1 Corinthians 7:3

Therefore, “MARRIAGE”, as God intended it to be is observed between one man and one women and they together make one flesh. But, how do we make this relationship last? It starts by knowing exactly what “Holy Matrimony” is verse what it is not. As stated above it is not a union between couples of the same sex. Real marriage that is blessed by God begins with respect for the laws of God because we are first married to God, we are to submit to God, live our life for God. Therefore, if you honor and obey the teachings of the Holy Bible then you will begin to lay a foundation that will last a life time in not just your future marriage, but for all other relationships that which you shall have in your life and all those relationships will if laid appropriately bring you peace and love all the days of your life. Marriage is a sacred covenant between you and God, it is a promise to always be open, always be respectful, always be loving and kind, always be forgiving and gentle, and always be faithfully and loyal to God first. Most marriages do not last because most people are fake in their practice of prayer, they are lazy in their devotion to God, and are selfish within their own heart and in their desires. I say this to shame you and to make you mad, I say this to shake you out of your complacency and to bring you to God so you may find love, peace, and be able to build from the rubble and lay a foundation that will last a lifetime. Thus, to have a marriage with another human-being then you must first exhibit a life filled with God and be faithful to His word alone. 

The Earthy Distractions

15 “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well.” ~ Proverbs 5:15

Same sex marriage is nothing more than a destructive distraction to the populous, so is sex before marriage, adultery, rape, pornography, prostitution, sex with animal, and pedophilia, again to just name a few. All these immoral acts have been called in the bible an abomination to God. Those who practice these immoral acts have in their minds an intolerance to the will of God, in fact they are in rebellion against God. However, I do refrain from advocating that they are evil because we are all mortal and we all are sinners, I point this out in remembrance of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for mankind and the possibility to be redeemed. For never before in the history of mankind has there been more people living on earth. Never before in the history of mankind has there ever been more sexual distractions. God has so perfected the shape and build of the human body and this has in and of itself presented mortals with a paradox. For all these facts bring forward the idea of multiple choices, and has increased to possibility of having more than just one  sexual partner. Because of this distraction there is more divorces than ever before, there is more families being torn asunder  and there is more division in our thinking and beliefs which are being reflected in our laws. I do believe that this strife is the root  cause to a world-wide panic to appease the most powerful groups even if their ideas and dogma are contrary to our own, and in some arenas this has proven to be something that forces Presidents and Governments to turn the other cheek just to retain their own power base and popularity. These earthly distractions warp our children’s minds in such a way as to allow them to believe that same sex marriage, adultery,  sex before marriage, pornography, and prostitution is the natural normal conditions of life and should be accepted when in fact they are not. Think of this indoctrination as just one tool Satan has at his disposal to destroy mankind, just one avenue he has to trick us into believing something which is against God just as he had done to Eve in the Garden of Eden. All of these facts point to one simple truth about our modern society, and that truth is simply revealed in the number of seats that go empty every Sunday in church. We are slowly becoming numb to perversion and thus simply accept it, and what was once considered controversial is now viewed as the new normal. How far have we sunk into the quagmire of Satan’s sin and perversions and allow our children to continue even further down into this pit of sin. The few who escape I tell you are those who first believed and honored God and all His teachings and who first build a solid foundation which guards against these evils which attack us spiritually and which convict us heart, mind, and soul. 

The Marriage Foundation

27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. ~ Ephesians 5:27-33

The need to pour the foundation thick I hope I have imparted to you. The need to have an active spiritual life with God I hope I have illustrated and made perfectly clear, for there is no room for mistakes and there is no room for perversions in the marriage between you and God. Likewise, there is no room for  selfish desires in a marriage between you and your husband or wife. Simply put what you can expect form life in accordance to marriage if done right is a life filled with God, a life filled with joy and happiness which brings peace of mind, heart, and soul, and allows your time here on earth to be truly blest by God. Marriage can be the most rewarding, most satisfying, most intoxicating experience you will ever have with your partner, (of the opposite sex),  whom God has allowed to come into your life. Thus, from God where then does it go naturally and how do we make it last? To answer this question I will continue with the analogy of the foundation and the construction of a blest house. From the foundation which is God, the preparation for marriage between two people, male and female, then must be that of building the framework which outlines the house and is what makes it stronger and will make it last. This framework is in simple terms the ability for both people to show and believe in mutual respect for each other. Respect in all areas of life from the most exciting to most boring, everyday and every night. Respect is a process which dictates both people get to know each other, which often times places an expectation of exclusivity. It is in this process where most of our children make the first of many mistakes in that of wanting sex before marriage. This simple desire can burn not just the framework but also the foundation, it can destroy rather than build, and it can lead to more strife than what it is worth. Respect begins at respecting the law of God first and waiting until marriage to have sex. In this the message that will be sent is a moral one, it is a life changing one, it is speaking to the heart and soul of the other person which should allow them if they are also following God to respect you even more and visa-versa. Respect, which equals the, (framework of the marriage), then begins to build an intoxicating love which equals the, (sheetrock and plywood for both the interior and exterior),  of the house which is blest by God. There is nothing stronger than this intoxicating love, for it allows to be present in both people that firm reassurance of a relationship where anything can be shared and accepted and or forgiven. It allows their two hearts to beat as one and lites a fire which burns hot and will keep them warm in the coldest of  times they shall face. Intoxicating love is what every single man and women has described when asked what made their marriages last fifty, sixty, seventy years and beyond and it is what transcends these mortal bonds into that of the spiritual world of God. To love in this manner is second only to the love that which God freely gives to every human-being ever born form the beginning to the end of all time.  From mutual respect to intoxicating love a bond is build that is not easily broken, and if left intact will undoubtedly build what can only be described as the fruits of your marriage. This fruit is equal to the, (paint on the walls, the carpet and hardwood on the floors, and lighting and electricity in every room, and even the appliances that are found in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry rooms), for this is the heart and soul of your marriage, this is the symbol of your devotion to one another. For to truly be in-love in this manner there is promised a house blest by God, and in this analogy there is a complete oneness that is unmistakable, beautiful, attractive, and it is this which God intended for every human-being who avoids the distractions.

Attributes of a Strong Marriage

23 “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” ~ Genesis 2:23

The first attribute of a strong marriage is friendship, though you may have other friends your husband or wife should be your best friend for life and there should never be any cause to keep secrets from one to another. People who are in love and who have lasted for decades have done so because first they were friends. The glue which bonded them most assuredly sprang from friendship, which allowed common respect to flourish. The foundation as stated before is that of God, but it is possible for people from completely different religious backgrounds to become friends and to eventually marry, but I say to you everyone begins with friendship  and that friendship at some point turns into respect for each other. Another attribute of a strong marriage is  found in a mutual want to please the other and in this couples must also learn to sacrifice and compromise. This attribute is linked closely with tolerance of one another’s weakness and or strengths, it is exhibited by the ability for the other person to overlook and in some instances over come imperfections that in any other instance would have destroyed the relationship. Just because you love someone does not make them want the same things or desire the exact goals. Therefore, marriages that last are filled with sacrifices and compromises in every area of your life. One persons strengths should illuminate the other, and one persons weakness should allow the other person to shine for the both of them. All of these attributes lead to an intoxicating love, one that can never be extinguished, for the flame burns in all conditions whether it be clear or overcast and rainy, boiling or freezing, in all conditions and climates of life there is this unending love. 

Disclaimer: Though there many be successful marriages that at the surface do not appear to have these attributes nor is there any indication of a real bond, marriage is based on these attributes and cannot survive without them. In most marriages there is anger, arguing, misunderstandings, words spoken that later are regretted from ever having been said, but if the foundation is of God, and both people are dedicated to God and the success of the marriage first then there will be nothing that cannot be overcome. I say this only in observation for my marriage was unsuccessful, but what drives me to believe so much in the institution of marriage is simple, for last Sunday I went to a San Diego Baseball Game and in the seats below me sat two people who had been married for seventy years, I was later told by those people who have known them by virtue of seeing them over the past two years at the San Diego Ball Park that in fact the wife makes their meals and packs their lunch and dinner, the man drives and helps hers up and down the stairs and during the game the hold hands as if they where teenagers. It brought me back to a time when this was the norm instead of the exception and to them I tip my hat, I solute them with all my heart and soul as they have shown me the true meaning of beautiful, awesome, captivating marriage that spans the ages.

Marriage Challenge: Knowing that this idea marriage is possible I challenge every married couple to sit down and hear their feelings, work on all their problems and dare to be like that couple I saw at the San Diego Padres Ball Park. You start by becoming friends… finding God together… by not being afraid or judgmental and by asking your partner for absolute trust and to honor your feelings… and by returning these gifts of the heart back to your spouse in abundance. I challenge you to fulfill this one commandment: 

34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:34-35


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Brian Keith

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Brian Keith


Reflection 11: What You Can Expect From Life: According to LAZINESS

12 “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, The Lord has made them both. 13 Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty; Open your eyes, and you will be satisfied with bread. 14 ‘It is good for nothing,’ cries the buyer; But when he has gone his way, then he boasts. 15 There is gold and a multitude of rubies, But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” ~ Proverbs 20: 12-15

The Level of Laziness

It is truly amazing how many people disassociate themselves from the word, “LAZINESS”, and instead use excuses to mask their behavior with the words, “Relaxation or Freedom”. People in the Western World cling to their freedoms and in many instances forget that those freedoms are not free but binding and carry a heavy cost. We have the idea that relaxation is freedom, freedom from responsibility, freedom from work, freedom from life and reality. There is the real threat that though we all need to unwind, it becomes a habit and laziness takes root and takes over your life. Many people fall asleep in there life both personal and spiritual. The truth is if you are lazy in your personal relationships; be it with your parents, friends, siblings, relatives, spouse, children, or in your professional life; with your co-workers, boss, or your career opportunities, then your also lazy in your spiritual life with God. Ask yourself this one question and depending upon the answer you will see clearly your level of laziness, “Would you die for Jesus?”  I know… I know… many will use the argument that this is not necessary. There is no reason to lay your life down for God. But is that the truth or is it the deception? Think about it from the view point of God; He made humanity, he made the Earth, the stars, the universes, He alone made everything we know and do not yet know of, and seeing that God was this proactive to send His only son to die for you and me, then shouldn’t we return the favor and live for Him? Shouldn’t we then defend His word, His promises, and teach others to live as God would have us all live? Is it not to much to expect that we become just as proactive in spreading the, “Good News”, as He was in our salvation? See many people refuse to do the right thing out of laziness and use the excuse that it wasn’t their fault, they refuse to do simple tasks and use the excuse that it wasn’t their turn, and when the mayhem and destruction rains down they again refuse to see the signs plainly written upon the wall and go into full fledged denial and say, it wasn’t their idea to do this or that. Wouldn’t it be easier to say, “Damn, I was lazy in that instance.”?  But instead of accepting the responsibility for their part, they refuse and in that refusal is found the roots of laziness. It is easier to deny the obvious truth, because then you don’t have to take action which in many instances could become labor intensive; but yet would be the right thing to do. It is easier to fall asleep in your life and close the door and ignore the hurt and bad feelings you personally have caused rather than to keep the door open to those you love and say instead, “I am sorry for my actions. How can we fix this?” It is easier to wallow in our poverty of spirit than it is to stand up and help those around us and climb out of the denial which binds our hands and feet and profess the words of God. By opening your eyes you are also opening your heart and through this process you begin the awesome journey of destroying laziness in your life and living for God. I say to you do not be deceived and cling to your freedoms as if were gold or jewels, because the question God will ask you upon the “Day of Judgement” is extraordinarily simple, “Did you live for me or did you instead live for yourself?” 

Laziness Equals Cutting Corners

19 “The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.” ~ Proverbs 15:19

I see this with my students when it comes to studying for their test; often they will take the notes but forget the notebook. I see this with my adult friends as they will talk a good game but then take no actions they had promised. It seems in both instances that the taking action is harder than the task, but the task is made out to be impossible or to stressful and so the first response is to quit before they start, or to cheat and cut corners. “Yes” the task may have been accomplished but it was not done to its fullest extent so it’s foundations therefore were laid upon sand rather than bedrock. This obvious laziness is very much like a hedge of thorns because it pricks the skin of all those who come in contact, and it often times is the cause to so much strife. It is more rewarding to to have studied then take the test confidently knowing you will pass with flying colors then it is to fret and feel defeated before and after the test. Remember that God is constantly testing us, testing our character, testing our loyalty, testing our love, and testing our fortitude by allowing certain problems to take place within our lives. God is molding us into a more perfect version of ourselves, but this process will never take root if you fall into denial and practice the art of refusal, because eventually you will have been given more than your fair share of chances and the door will close and you will pay for your sins and your many refusals. Doing things half-way is like not doing them at all. Part of your mind and spirit is in refusal to the full way, the right way, and rebellion takes over in your heart. Remember also that,  “Laziness”,  is another word for, “Slothfulness”, and slothfulness is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Laziness detracts from your efforts, keeps you prisoner, and keeps you complacent. But on the other hand those who are not lazy, who take action, who face their fears, and those who make bold moves in the name of God are counted among the wisest of the wise. Their actions are plain, easy to see, noticeable because of their fortitude, and they are seen for their strength of character, and are unshakable in their faith. These wise people are Gods righteous disciples and they hold the word of God in their hearts, minds, and soul.  God’s righteous people do not worry about the task at hand, even though it may seem impossible, they know it is not. It is an inner knowledge, (comfort), given them by their faith in God. In truth many stray from God and become lazy in their spiritual life because they claim it’s borring to go to church weekly, or they develop a disconnect with the other worshipers in that church, and they use these excuses to stop going completely. When this happens the faith they once held within God is broken and laziness takes root. But the wise and righteous fill this time with God, whether in church or on the street or in their houses alone, every moment is filled with God. Again the task of being active should envelop  every aspect of your life, it should melt seamlessly in and become singular actions that happen without thought or concentration on your part. Saint Peter did not think about his death, rather than His example of living for Jesus. The last thoughts of James, Son of Alphaeus was not of the stones being thrown that would end his life, but the fire for Christ he was lighting with his death. In every instance the disciples who died for their faith by the brutal actions of the non-believers they were preaching too was not of themselves or else they would never have gone so willingly to their deaths. In all the instances of those disciples who fell asleep in peaceful places, died after giving their entire life over to Jesus and spent every waking moment preaching the Word of God. Here is the description of “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS” presented by Ichthus. 

Plenteousness vs Hastiness

5 “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty lead only to want.” ~ Proverbs 21:5

Those who rush through their lives, or give bad advise hoping to manipulate others thus wasting those peoples time and energy lead only to despair and wanting. Ironically all those who are affected by these manipulators also find nothing but wanting. In part it was the act of laziness which provoked this vicious cycle of hastiness and manipulations because it would have been harder to have been diligent and followed the ways of God. I say to you those who rush through activities also rush through everything giving no thought or concern for others in all areas of their life. Some will claim that they just wanted to get it over, some will claim that it didn’t matter any way, and still others will claim the experience would not have had any other conclusion, but I tell you these claims are false before the eyes of God. These people cut corners, cheat, lie, scheme, and do not care who they hurt. To see through this deception the simple test is to ask yourself if they saved any time by their hasty actions? Was there anyone hurt by what they did or was there anyone not accounted for in their hasty plans? Odds are someone was forgotten, someone was hurt, someone was cut off. In many instances there will be many people affected indirectly and  wether they realize it or not, their time has been stolen by the lazy selfishness of another. Whereby the exact opposite of hastiness and manipulation is that of living in plenty, living within the rules given by God and always doing your do diligence. When you meet a person who carries these attributes their goals and careful thought of others is easy to see. They do not rush into action, they instead take their time to consider all outcomes and to be frank, this takes time and effort. Some of us would say that we fit safely into this category, but truth be told many do not. It takes a certain level of maturity, wisdom, and love for your fellow man to be put within this very small group of people. These people of plenty are again ruled by the laws of God, and they do what is right, not what is convenient or fun. They keep the focus on God and give God all the glory when miracles happen in their lives. They are the most happy people you could ever hope to meet because they indure regardless of the hostility of others towards them and or harshness of their environment. They convert the non-believers and are methodical in action always persevering when others say it’s impossible. The people of plenty are the jewels of God, they are His most honored and the richest in the world as their hearts are filled with perpetual happiness and love from God. In the end we all have a choice, to be filled with plenty every day for the rest of our lives or to cheat and steel, making everyone around us miserable and accomplishing only despair for ourselves and others. We can take our time and smell the roses God has for us in His garden (so to speak) or we can rush through life chopping down every opportunity that could have been that singular flower that changed your life and way of thinking for ever. You can be diligent and patient or you can be rude and hasty, the choice is yours alone to make.

Laziness is Self-Limiting

7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” ~ John 15:7

Many people use excuses that  blame Jesus for their own laziness. According to Dan Waldschmidt’s blog posting tilted, “Jesus Doesn’t Do Lazy”, he points out that waving religion around as an excuse to not doing what it takes to succeed is not going to get you anywhere in life. Waldschmidt plainly states, “No amount of religion or spirituality can replace good old fashioned hard work. There are a lot of excuses that we  use to justify not working as hard as we should. One of the most deceptive excuses is religion. Instead of getting back up after a failure or trying a little bit harder along the way, we use the excuse that “if it was supposed to happen it would have happened” — inferring that some Higher Being controls how hard we try or not. Which is just silly. And self-limiting.” ~ Waldschmidt, Dan (Jan.23, 2013) Found online at: has a point, for the Lord helps those who helps themselves. God rewards good behavior, not bad behavior. To many people assume because they pray, (sometimes),  or  look religious to others they will be rewarded. This is not the case. Praying is an activity you should be doing anyway, religion should be a personal matter between you and God and not used to impress others. Your walk with God is a special relationship that is between you and God, and if someone asks and you share then let Gods words do all the talking. One does not need to push religion to win an argument or make appoint  rather God is way to sophisticated for his words and promises to be used in a cat-fight. We share our faith to enhance our brethren’s faith, not to force your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas upon them. Truth is that, “There’s a direct connection between how hard you work the success that you achieve. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. Hard work always gets you better results. Laziness always ends up in failure.” ~ Waldschmidt, (2013). Laziness is self-limiting because you place an artificial cap on your own efforts expecting to fail, coupled by blaming God for the failure you have placed a mark of failure upon your heart. Failure can drive many people to laziness, to blame others, to ignore the obvious truth of the lack of their own efforts. Case in point: The Listening Faithfully Blog was not a popular blog in the beginning, but over time and writing many posts there came a point when people came, read, and came back week after week. 98% of all the comments I have received over the past five years has been positive and encouraging. In this time Listening Faithfully went from last page of the Google search results to number one. There are thousands of people around the world in almost every country that has logged in and visited many of our posts. Now imagine had I stopped after a January 2010 when I only received one view, or after the entire year of 2010 where I only received 1,090 views. In that case Listening Faithfully would never have grown into the success it is today tripling those stats every single month and gaining more and more follower, readers, and friends worldwide and changing lives in the process. Now, do I boast about this success, No, rather I thank God for His kindness and grace, and tell everyone who reads this blog to thank God for all the awesome blessings He has bestowed in your lives. In this action, when the miracles happen, you are proactive enough to thank God immediately more blessing are sure to come your way. But if laziness takes root, those blessing will never come, then the blaming and finger pointing begins, and your efforts will seem to have no effect. Hard work is the key, diligence is the key, belief in your future accomplishments is the key that lazy people are missing. Don’t falling to false teaching, not looking for a shortcut, not forcing others into misery, not being lazy is also the keys to defeating laziness and banishing it from your life forever. 



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Brian Keith

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