The traditional Christmas season consists of a Christmas tree in the living room with gifts underneath, the smells of good food being prepared, music made with bells and stringed interments, and the story of old St. Nick. Family spending time together is the theme, the giving of gifts the main attraction.
Sadly and ironically we symbolically act out the biblical traditions of the three wise men, but many could not explain the significants of it.
We hear all the time, the reason we celebrate Christmas as it was the day Jesus was born. But Christmas is much more than that, it is the event which Rabbi’s preached in the synagogues, prophets proclaimed to countless generations, men and women of faith clung to in the harsh days of exile, and it became the motivating factor which stirred many to rebel against their Roman oppressors. The power of hope in a savior that would come to liberate them from taxation, cruelty, disease, and a corrupt system of religion and government forever changing our world.
Rebels clung onto this idea of a savior in such a way that the land had been filled with false messiahs, men who were nothing more than military leaders and religious zealots long before the birth of Christ, and yet within this confusion, God found a way to make his son, Jesus Christ so recognizable and tangible that there was no mistaking him for anyone else, fulfilling prophecy.
“6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
Christmas is also a story of sacrifice, hardship, perseverance, loyalty, and love. To believe in the biblical Christmas, you have to first believe that God sent an angel to Mary, that she gave birth to Jesus as a virgin, and that Joseph really had a prophetic dream. Christianity demands that this be at the core of the belief in Christ.
The truth about Christmas however is even greater than our interpretations of history, our faith in God, and it transcends our modern day customs. Because the truth is, that the human race after two thousand years still celebrates the birth of Christ, that he holds such an exulted place in every society on Earth. The gift, the miracle is more about our acceptance in Jesus, than it is about whether all the circumstances of his divinity can be proven true or false.
The simple truth is, God can do anything he so desires, yet he chose to be with us, to be like us, to walk among us. The revelation is not that Jesus was simply born, but rather he chose to be born, chose to breath air, chose to live and die for our salvation and redemption. The miracle wasn’t that an angle came down from heaven to tell Mary about what God wanted to do, but rather God was still interested in our welfare. The miracle is that our one God, after two thousand years still wants our salvation, he still loves us, and he has not given up hope on us. That God sent a savior as he promised, as all of his promises he will fulfill in his own time.
So this Christmas celebrate the birth of Christ from the perspective of our gracious God bestowing a gift which can never be taken away, it can never be over shadowed, and will always be the reminder of our God’s affection. Remember that Jesus had a choice, that God had a choice. If this is how we view Christmas how much more love could we find in our hearts to give to those who are in need. Just as Jesus gave to us the gift of love and graced us with his birth.
If you have been moved by this blog, I humbly invite you to leave a comment, and may all your days be filled with peace, love, and God’s eternal joy.
God Bless and Merry Christmas,
Nice dad, I liked it… Well written and a nice conclusion.
Dear Dashini,
I am glade you read my blog and that you liked it. I hope you continue to do so as this is just one of many forms of communication in this world we live that is filled with technology. I love you very much, Dad.