Special Posting: Time-Sensitive

Last Sunday I published a posting which introduced a special cause that will fund a computer club for a private school in the inner city of Los Angeles. I explained that many children have in the past seven years greatly benefited form the Technology Team, but now economics have threatened the very existence of the program. What we need is 104 people to donate $100.00 by clicking on the following link:


The money will only be deducted from your credit cards when the target amount is reached. This is time sensitive as we must collect all the funds no later than December 15, 2011, at which point the school will begin to discuss the possible closing of all summer programs that would include the Technology Team for the summer of 2012. Please help Listeningfaithullyblog.com collect the necessary funds to secure another year for these students in need. Please act now!
God Bless

Published by

Brother Brian

Brother Brian currently serves within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic School System. He is currently in his twentieth year of teaching.

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