When I look at my students who often times have the capacity to being hysterically funny, making me laugh so hard my sides hurt, then on the other hand, these same students can make me feel so frustrated. Some days I have no problem getting through to them, then other days I am talking but nothing seems to come out to which they are listening too and learning from. When raising children as a parent there are those moments that are burned into my memory as being absolutely awesome, then other moments where my child has tested me to the max and seemingly enjoys every second doing it. I say these things to illustrate how God must be looking at the entire human race. Some people must really give God immense joy, then others I know he wants to help but they have not yet come to him. I imagine God looks into each and every person’s face and sees’ the multitude of varying wants, needs, and beliefs and the miracle of this is written into their eyes. We all need the same thing, no matter our age, experience, sex, or placement on the economic food chain; we all desire three things more than anything else, that being: love, guidance, and compassion.
Ironically all these things are given to us by God. The miracle is that he so freely grants us the ability to make up our own minds, which if you think about it is the ultimate test in faith. He allows us the right to search our own souls and begin this journey upon our own volition. But the most amazing thing besides all of the things which I have stated thus far is found in the amount of times God allows us to get things wrong, and it is his patience and mercy which allows us to retake the test so-to-speak. To sin is something which is hardwired into us as sinners needing God’s forgiveness and he is so good to nurture us by allowing us to fall down like a baby learning to walk, so that one day we might stand and be able to run. God does this by shedding a light on all of our sins, and faults, and by purifying us by his light.
“There is nothing covered up now that will not be exposed. Nothing is secret that will not be revealed. Every secret you’ve kept will become known. What you have whispered in the hidden places will be shouted from the housetops” (Lost Gospel Q, Q45, P.79).
In reflecting some of my worst blunders I remember how God watched me, hands off, and then when I fell I came to him. I remember he never gave me the answer, but he did give me multiple chances at getting the right answer. Some of these tests I flunked straight away, as I was either irrigate, or naive, impatient, or lax daisy about what he was guiding me to do next. In some instances he told me the test was coming, I could plainly see it was coming, but I ignored it. God is not above using other people to help us make the right decision, by moving them in such a way they cross our path, like two asteroids floating freely in outerspace. Other times I told God he better not, but he always did, with a vengeance. We are all in rebellion against God, but he is so lovingly patient towards us, holding off final judgment until the very last.
“3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? 4 Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?”(Romans 2:3-4).
Without Gods patience and ability to love, forgive, show mercy, and to guide us on our journey through life, holding back his wrath, we would all most likely be condemned forever. As observes by William Barkley in the 1958 edition of “The Daily Study Bible: Letters to Galatians and Ephesians” were he wrote, “If God had been a man, He would have taken His hand and wiped out this world long ago; but God has that patience which bears with all our sinning and which will not cast us off. In our lives, in our attitude to and dealings with our fellow men, we must reproduce this loving, forbearing, forgiving, patient attitude of God toward ourselves” (1958, p. 56).
It is also important to understand that God is not a God based upon mercy which equals a second chance rather according to 2 Corinthians “The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians”, is in fact a God which guarantees us success only through him.
“17 Therefore, when I was planning this, did I do it lightly? Or the things I plan, do I plan according to the flesh, that with me there should be Yes, Yes, and No, No? 18 But as God is faithful, our word to you was not Yes and No. 19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us- by me, Silvanus, and Timothy –was not Yes and No, but in Him was Yes. 20 For all the promises of God in him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”( 2 Corinthians 1:17-20).
The many chances God gives is found with our own search for God, for he is like a good sheppard looking after his flock. He is the light we are all walking toward, searching for, and longing to get to. We fail, fall, and make grave mistakes, but when we abide in Him, he guarantees us success through Him, with Him, in Him.
If you have been moved by this blog, I humbly invite you to leave a comment, and may all your days be filled with peace, love, and God’s eternal joy.