Attain the Beautiful Day
Sunday, April 22, 2018
When you hear His voice…
27 “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
Life can be cruel, it can have its ups and downs, there is nothing promised from the world. Expectations aside we are at the mercy of a larger creation. Putting away whatever holds you back, clearing your mind, readying your heart, letting go of what you perceive in order to find peace and to find your way through the fog; that my friends is the first step to attaining a beautiful day in Christ Jesus.
So, I ask humbly and solemnly are you ready? Are you listening to the deafening silence wishing you could hear Gods’ voice? Can you see the miracle that is you locked away deep inside bogged down in overwhelming sin? Did you know that God sees’ the real you? If you concentrate enough can you hear a voice full of love telling you to follow Him? I ask again, do you feel the pain in your heart the world put there? Do you want to let this sin debt go? Are you ready to know the unprovable and the unshakable source of grace? I ask not for myself these hard questions, I ask not for praise, and certainly not for adoration, but rather for you my brothers and you my sisters. Are you ready to let all of your worries go? For the Lord is calling you… do you not hear Him?
There is but one thing your heart and mind should always be focused on and that is love. For if you are in love with peace, harmony, grace, and all that it brings then you are in love with God. For He knows all his children by name, His children hear His voice and they willing follow Him. If you are listening and tune your spirit back to channel God you will know His voice and will never question again, for His love will convert you, wash you clean, and every day thereafter you will experience a beautiful day in our Lord, Jesus Christ. But remember, when He calls you answer Him in the same way the disciples did, “Yes Lord… I will follow you.”
Shed Your Sinful Life!
An abstract…
It wasn’t long into this world’s rage that He saw you from on top a sandy hill with the wind blowing all around kicking up the hot scornful sand like the sins you harbor in your heart. Knowing you, understanding your weakness, and accepting you in total just as you are. His love you could feel even from the other side of that abyss that is life, making you wonder where did this grace come from. Your heart skipped a beat as you for no reason at all looked up to see who it was on the hill looking at you. The sand and wind burned your face, scared your skin, and put blisters on the bottoms of your feet as you walk through a lonely life of wrongdoing, transgressions, offenses, and wickedness. Does any of this sound familiar? Hell is real, it is your life without God, a life lived at it’s most vulnerable and exposed to the entirety of the world’s wrath! Can you see this picture? Can you guess where it all ends up? If you can then imagine this barren desert known as the wasteland of life you are currently walking through; your not alone in it. For at that moment you looked up and found Jesus looked back down at you calling your name with an outstretched hand. A tear makes its way down your cheek, one more, then another and other until the total sum of all your tears creates a river of forgiven sins! So dark and tearable you had convinced yourself you could never achieve forgiveness but yet here you are being forgiven by God the creator of the universe. For the more tears which feel the more, your heart was washed cleaned and your pain was taken away from you. When you looked deeper you saw Jesus on the cross, having just died for you. In your heart of hearts, you hear His voice for the first time saying to you, “Come follow me.”
Once In Your Heart…
27 “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.” – John 10:27-28 (NRSVCE)
The Lord is grace for his love never ends,
The Lord is forgiveness for He alone washes his children clean,
The Lord is our savior for He will never fail nor let His children be alone,
For He is with us always no matter the path we find ourselves on, for the Lord goes before us leading His children home,
Once in our hearts Jesus is there forever, His love is forever, and His mercy abounds.
So once again, I ask… Are you ready for a New Day? Are you ready to forgive those who have hurt you in this world and are you ready to make your peace with your own sin? If you are ready then follow Him, listen to His words, hear His voice in your heart and never again doubt or stumble but rather stand tall as a reborn child of God’s. Rejoice, for you have truly attained the beautiful day within Jesus Christ, for you are in Him and He in you!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I wrote this posting to remind you how precious life is and how connected to Christ Jesus we are. We have a choice in life, in fact, Jesus Himself told everyone how to follow, he gave us the path to walk on, and his blood which binds us to Him. I wanted to remind all of you that we walk a narrow path but again your not alone on this path. I know how hard it is to stay on the straight and narrow because there are all kinds of temptations in this world. When I start to get distracted I look to God and He gently reminds me of what I should be doing and what I should be focused on doing. For truly He is faithful to His word, He is my help and my shield and God is your armor as well. Our Father in heaven is with you, is listening to you, cares deeply about you, and is constantly praying for you. With immense love in my heart, I say to all of you be not afraid, give your sins to Him, and ask for His forgiveness and rise from your bent knee a child of God’s forever and ever. This is truly my hope for you all.
If you would like to receive ongoing encouragement, to help you stay focused, and/or need some guidance in where to look for motivational scriptures in the bible then feel free to email me at with your request. Remember your never alone.
Amen, Alleluia!
May the Lord bless you, protect you from all evil and bring you to everlasting life.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Saint Joseph, Pray for us. ~ Sancte Ioseph – ‘ora pro nobis,’
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Listening Faithfully Blog written by Brian K. Stark © 2009-2018