Reflecting on the Role of Fathers in Faith

Listening Faithfully Meditation: Galatians 4:6-7 [New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition]
6 And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God.
Brothers and sisters, indeed, we have much to celebrate! We have a heavenly—all-powerful Father who considers us a family member. How awesome is that? Moreover, God sent the Spirit of his Son to live within our hearts so that we may call God ‘Abba!’ So, to unpack this, Jesus Christ lives within us; his presence purifies our bodies so that we may live a life worthy of being a child of God. But that is not the only thing our heavenly Father has done for us. No, he has given us an earthly father to love and protect us here on earth. Our earthly fathers do so much more, though. They are our providers, loving leaders, willing helpers, truthful teachers, hopeful encouragers, and compassionate friends.
A Tribute To Fatherhood
My father, who is currently in hospice, thinks he can walk and wants to walk, but he can’t walk. My mother, since December 2023, has watched my dad deteriorate before her eyes. He has good days and bad ones, but I keep coming back to this one thought: God is with him, caring for him and preparing him for his ultimate transition as a member of God’s heavenly family—as his son. Beyond this, God, like us earthly fathers, is faithful in as much that we always have our family’s backs, standing up for our children, being present, and taking life on the chin so our kids can have a chance in this messed up world. My father did that for me in ways I could never hope to know, as most often, he kept many of his sacrifices to himself—as most fathers do. Our earthly fathers, like God, serve as a strong protector and providers, giving their children an example that later can be used as a guidepost when it is their turn to parent their children. Again, my father took on a job he did not like to provide for his children; he stood toe-to-toe with those who would harm us and was our front-line defense—just as God is. The love and leadership our earthly fathers give help our sons to be upright, God-fearing men and our daughters to become fearless, open-minded women who can become anything they want to be—just as God encouraged us from the beginning. God is our greatest helper, and our earthly fathers have been molded to simulate this by being willing helpers, trustworthy, and hopeful teachers. I can honestly say I am this way to my daughter, who calls for advice when she picks my brain on things she has no practical experience in and, above all when she needs someone to just listen without passing judgment. But I learned these things from my father, who lent an ear, gave interesting advice, and taught me many things that shaped the man I am today. Finally, our God is the most compassionate friend we could have ever hoped to have in this life. But our earthly fathers pull up a close second as we pull our children close and comfort them in good and bad times. I know my father did this for me, and when I saw him in the nursing home, he continued to impart many lessons of comfort, compassion, and fortitude that touched me to my core. I can only pray I can be that for my daughter. Amen!
Fathers Who Need Support
My dear brothers and sisters, I did not want to end this post without first giving a shoutout to an organization that empowers fathers and champions those who do the same. They are an interconnected group of ministries championing fatherhood in God’s design. Please take a moment and check out The Fatherhood CoMission. Below, you can find the link to their website.

Let Us Pray
As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. ~ Psalm 103:13
Dear God,
Hear my prayer, listen to my supplication, grant me the wisdom to address you with respect and honor that all fathers are due.
Give your children, the earthly fathers, the strength to accomplish your will, the fortitude to keep pushing against the evil that tries so hard to stop us.
Soften our hearts so that our children may see a man who loves them, cares for them, and would do anything for them, just as you do for us.
O Lord, I ask you to always remain our great helper, protector, provider, and teacher, always giving us spiritual food and a truthful path to walk.
Be present in all father’s lives so that we know you are there and remain for all time the pillar that we may set our sights upon for the sake of our children.
O God, give us comfort in our last moments, solace that we ran the race and lived according to your will, leaving a permanent reminder for our sons and daughters just as your son, Jesus Christ, did for the whole world. Amen

Thus, therefore, shall you pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our supersubstantial bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
These things I ask in the name of your only son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Saint Joseph, Pray for us. Sancte Ioseph, Ora pro nobis
May the Lord Bless you and keep you—forever and ever. Amen
Happy Father’s Day!
Dearly Yours, Brother Brian