Sing this softly / hardly making a sound exhaling with each individual breath emptying your lungs of air, letting it penetrate your heart.
“To you my Lord in heaven this I pray… I want to learn how to love you to the end of my days…I want to embrace you fu-l-ly. I need to learn how to be m-or-e like you. I need your un-de-nia-ble peace. I want to know you so that my sins are washed clean… I want to walk with you in your king-dom.”
Close your eyes singing… for the Lord relies
“Take my hand that I offer to you…Take the fruit of my sp-i-r-it too. Ask for forgiveness so shall it be done. Healing your heart…renewing your soul. For I accept you just you are. Take my hand that I extend now to you…take now my blood of sal-va-tion too. I will love you to the end of all time…I will embrace you because now you are mine. I will love you un-con-di-tion-al-l-y…My peace is in you and shall never de-part. I will walk with you giving you a-l-l of my str-en-gth. I will love you to the end of all days…I will embrace you because you sing my praise. Your body now is clean…for I have also washed your face…all because you have a-s-k me. For I am with you now and always.”
loved it. Keep writing.