7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”~ 2 Timothy 4:7
Though I am still writing, still fighting the good fight, still standing-up for those who cannot stand-up for themselves, here in this posting I celebrate with you the good fight fought this past year. Just as Apostle Paul was reflecting back on his life, his accomplishments, I will do the same here in. So this past year here is a list of the posts I have posted for your educational and spiritual growth.
Special Reflections:
2) Special Reflection: Sin Series e-Book Release
3) Special Prayer Request: Remembering Leslie Frankenheimer
4) Special Posting: THANK YOU LMU!
6) Special Post: Congratulations My Ascension Students!
8) Special Reflection – Prayer for Syria
9) Special Prayer Request: Leona Liget
10) Special Posting: 68th Birthday
11) Special Reflection: 2014 Educational Enrichment Program (EEP)
What You Can Expect From Life – Series
12) Reflection I: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Anger; pt 1
13) Reflection 2: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Belief; pt 2
14) Reflection 3: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Charity; pt 3
15) Reflection 4: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Death; pt 4
16) Reflection 5: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Enemies; pt 5
17) Reflection 6: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Faith; pt 6
18) Reflection 7: What You Can Expect From Life: According to GOSSIP
19) Reflection 8: What You Can Expect From Life: According to GUILT
20) Reflection 9: What You Can Expect From Life: According to HONESTY
21) Reflection 10: What You Can Expect From Life: According to JOY
22) Reflection 11: What You Can Expect From Life: According to LAZINESS
23) Reflection 12: What You Can Expect From Life: According to MARRIAGE
Family – Series
24) Reflection 1: Family of God pt1
25) What Schools Need pt 1: Things to Consider Before You Buy
26) Reflection 2: Family of God – Broken Home, Broken Child
27) Reflection 3: Family of God – Kingdom of God
28) Reflection 4: Family of God – Saving Relationships
29) Reflection 5: Family of God – Economy of God
30) Reflection 6: Family of God – Family of Love
What God Is… Series
31) Reflection 1- What God’s Love is…
32) Reflection 2: God’s Mindset…
33) Reflection 3: God’s Thanksgiving…
In all there has been three major new series’s of blogs added to an extensive list spanning back to 2009. Starting with, “WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM LIFE SERIES” is by far the biggest individual series I personally have written. Where as the, “FAMILY SERIES” was short but packed with powerful tools for families to grow and to stay together and to warship God as a singular family unit. I truly hope these blog posting have enriched your life. Ending this year was the, “WHAT GOD IS… SERIES”, a truly inspired series of blogs that came straight out of the mouths of children, most specifically from my students who asked me this very question in class and though I only have three Reflections written know that my own spiritual growth has been stretched in ways I could have never personally imagined and I am still doing research to bring to you and my students the best Reflections yet within this Series… so there is defiantly more to come in 2014 as it relates to “WHAT GOD IS… SERIES”. In addition each year I do a host of Special Reflections, which are posts that deal with specific topics not related to any of the Series I was writing at the time. Starting with Prayer Requests, I have to say this year was the most Prayers I have been personally asked to make public to you, the Listening Faithfully Community. I want to report that in the majority of the prayers published good things have happened for those we have prayed for. Rounding out the year in all 33 posts published our reader base has grown to 20 devoted – repeat followers who have signed up to be notified when new posts become available, and countless others who have yet to sign up and make themselves known. I encourage everyone to sign-up and follow and interact through the various resources found here within our growing community of fans and supporters. With that said, to my two special groups of followers thank you for all your support because I write for you, I write because of you. Listening Faithfully is Officially 4 years old… and you can now buy the T’Shirts Celebrating our 5th Year 2014-15 by clicking [HERE]!
As you can imagine Facebook is a huge part of this ministry and I will say to you it is a very effective tool in getting out the message and bringing the words of God to those who need it all around the world. Listening Faithfully Blog has been on Facebook since 2011 and each year we have grown and received more likes doubling in volume each year, in 2013 alone we received a total of 46 new likes and 26 new friends. However, the Listening Faithfully Community is where you can get the most recent news and spiritual writing and this has grown as well. At this point I would like to invite you to our Listing Faithfully Community Page and please “LIKE and SHARE” all the content to as many people you know! Again, Listening Faithfully Community will serve as the hub for all straight forward communications to all members of Listening Faithfully moving forward. There is also a Listening Faithfully Book Store and I hope you all make use of it in the near future as this is where you can find Bibles for both Kindle, and or any e-reader you use and is also where the Listening Faithfully – The Sin Series can be purchase from Amazon for $7.99.
Below is the links to the Fan Page and the Members sign up.
To view our Facebook page and our Listening Faithfully Community Fan Page please FOR FREE click here. [Celebrating 5 Years]
To become a follower of our fan page FOR FREE click here [ Listening Faithfully Community – Become a member now!]
I ask you this question… “What is a ministry without a language?” The answer… a there is no ministry in the world that does not use the English Language to some extent. How can people communicate and spread the message of God without using Language? Simply put… you can’t. Each year as a teacher within the Los Angeles Archdiocesan schools I see two alarming trends that is nation wide. The first is that our inner city schools regardless of affiliation are suffering economically. Second I have found that schools where parents are wealthy and pay high tuition their children are the only ones being given the economic advantage. I was recently yelled at online from a person who had read my posting asking for help in supplying Language Arts books to my students as I had linked that with what Pope Francis has said about the economic differences between the wealthy and the poor and the disappearing middle class worldwide. All I was asking for in that post was for your financial support… Each book cost about $15.00. I want to buy 30 of these books. All money I receive from this fund raiser goes to support the English Language Curriculum at my school… Ascension Catholic School, Located in Los Angeles. So when I make the claim I support inner city students this is the truth… I teach and have taught in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for 10 years. Listening Faithfully is not affiliated with Ascension or the Catholic Church, rather I teach there and need these book for my students. Now… think about this carefully…. if through this blog and this fund raiser more money than what is needed then how many more children would be served by your kindness? I tell you hundreds as I am affiliated with many schools, with many children who need your help. Every dollar raised will go to help my inner city children by giving them the economic advantage of the English Language! This is something I do year round, but this is not the only thing I have done to help people in general. 2009-10 helped fund a house for a Philippine family who was living in a shack! 2005-2012 Taught and raised thousands for the Ascension Technology Team… the last three years students took home computers that had been donated and they restored. Help support Listening Faithfully Celebrate 5 years of service by buying a T’Shirt that cost $23.00 which equals 1 1/2 books per child in need. It’s a no brainier. As for that individual who yelled at me online for asking… “What is a ministry that never asks it’s community to pitch in and help form time to time?” Here is a sample of our good work done within the Technology Team from a former student Ruby:
Please click the following link to support this fund raiser today! [T-shirts for Language Arts Books for Kids] I want to thank you in advance for your support!
The Cause for All Parents!
Part of Listening Faithfully’s mission is to educate, as stated above, but the second half of our mission is to spread the word of God. Part of that mission is helping those who cannot help themselves. There is a specific illness in our world and it is very political and controversial. I have written about it many times because I have been personally affected by it in my own personal life. This illness is woven from greed and embraced by our Family Court System not just here in the United States but in many other countries around the world. Because this system seeks to drain parents of their resources, to separate, and to destroy their family by creating strife, while supporting those parents who lie and cheat and manipulate the system for their own selfish wants and desires. To this end the Court is now against God, our laws are now against God. “What God would condone of giving one parent all the power and influence and allow that parent to alienate the other biological parent?” This is a war on Families, on the very fabric which a biblical family is formed and which grows. What court should ever have the power to rip your child away from you without cause? According to the Bible there is no court that should ever have such power over the family! I say that, I write that because God gave to both Father and Mother the responsibilities of raising their own children! Different responsibilities – Yes – but Equal in the eyes of God! That is what the Family Courts are against and in doing so they have defiling God by defiling the Families! By robbing them of their right to be parents! Such is the case with my friend Joseph… The court for no reason gave Joseph’s wife the right to move away to a foreign country. How is Joseph ever going to see let alone raise his only child? Joseph is not a drug addict, he is not a drunk, he doesn’t cheat people of their money, he doesn’t peddle anything illegal, he has never served time, and he never cheated on his wife… which is more than we can say about her. And yet Joseph’s non-American wife got an American Judge to give her the right to legally steal Joseph’s only child from him. How is that even possible? Well this is not only possible but the norm in America and is what 90% of fathers are facing when going to court. We need to stop this… As Christians we need to stop this behavior and end Alienation forever by making it illegal! Please visit Joseph’s fundraiser and donate today…. Lets reunite him with his daughter today.
I have made a personal pledge to give Joseph $5.00 every paycheck I receive and that’s saying a lot because my ex-wife has taken 50% of my earning through child support on a child who was a year and a half away from becoming 18 at the time. Won’t you also help Joseph bring his daughter home?
Click Here to help our brother Joseph!
Amen and God Bless,
If you liked this Special Reflection on The 2014 Educational Enrichment Program! … please leave a comment. Also please “LIKE” and “SHARE” this post with others.
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