Reflection 9: What You Can Expect From Life: According to HONESTY

11 “‘Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.” ~ Leviticus 19:11


When confronted with this word, I think deep down inside we all want to be honest, but yet we are still very much intimidated by it. Honesty carries with it some very rigorous implications, like a two edged sword that could just as easily cut the wielder as the opponent. As imperfect human-beings this word, “HONESTY” scares us just a little because we all know this is the ideal we sinners can never live up too. For the majority of people however, this ideal is very much ever-present in our minds, hearts, and souls as it is the one aspiration which can revolutionize how we think, feel, and operate on a daily basis and again that notion is a bit scary. So, with this firmly stated and excepted as the truth, no one is perfect, thus when we reflect upon this word there should be no one who takes offense of the remainder of this blog. Rather when reading the contents I ask that you reflect deeply upon your own life and experiences and ask yourself how honest have you truly been to your loved ones, friends, and of course yourself? How honest have you been with God? Also as a disclaimer I want everyone to know I am not perfect and I too struggle with  this word everyday. But it also should be known that when we are not honest we are breaking a covenant with God, as mentioned above, God did ordain it to be so for all mankind to be honest with each other, to not steal lie, or deceive. Because when we are not honest with one another then we separate ourselves just that much more from Him. We destroy what should have been and allow an abomination to take its place.


35 “You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.” ~Leviticus 19:35

It’s interesting that God chose the word, “INJUSTICE”, when warning us about our sense of judgement. I feel He saw our civilization coming and knew we would be a people of great laws, and even greater hypocrisy and corruption within those laws. I think He knew we could not live up to the ideal He set forth so we would try and replace His perfect laws with ones of our own, ones less perfect in nature more befitting mankind. Laws riddled with loopholes that would allow Judges from all branches of our Justice System to skip happily through rules they feel strongly about but while ignoring the words “Shall Do”, ignoring the laws in-favor of making a point or changing how people perceive specific guidelines and policies. I think God saw our lawyers who argue their cases based upon lies and misdirection, never caring who they hurt but instead whether or not they win their case. Justice goes hand in hand with ethics, but our civilization too is so far removed from this our most honest of men sit and let immoral people change the definitions of words like, “Marriage” to include two people of the same sex, which again is clearly an abomination to God. I am still waiting for people to protest scenes in our T.V. shows who have snuck in under the radar that depict two men kissing, or two women making out. For these perverse things our children are being desensitized too and will someday be voting adults. This is how perversion is first spread and rots out the core of a nation. The older I get the more my students become accepting and down right argumentative to what it means to them to be married, what it means to not have pre-marital sex, and even more shocking how they feel violence is acceptable behavior when someone disagrees with them. But, this of course is the final result of our long lived policies of stripping our public schools from saying prayers in their classrooms, prohibiting our children to engage in their faith on public property and to keep our children from having pride in our country by abolishing the national anthem in school for the fear it might hurt a specific groups sensibilities. It’s interesting how far we have slid since those policies where adopted over thirty years ago, and I must now stand up and forewarn you all that God will turn His back on us as surely as we have turned our backs on Him. Our judgments on issues of morality are the cause to our grief as a country, because they are filled with injustice of both measure, weight, and volume. The days of honesty in Government is over, honesty in our courts is over, honesty in our media has become a thing of the past as well.

17 “Therefore you shall not oppress one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am theLord your God.” ~ Leviticus 25:17

Ironically, the injustice in our country is primarily a symptom of our rotting souls as we seek to oppress instead of find common ground and common respect. Our fear of God sadly too has become a thing of the past as to many of our evangelists preach about a loving, tender, forgiving God that is no-longer vengeful, no longer judgmental, or temperamental as found in the Old Testament. To many feel what was then does not apply to us today, thus removing ourselves from under the harder aspects of what God really expects from us as His people. At this juncture I would like to point out the only being that which was the same a million years ago is still unchanged and perfect. Therefore, God is unchanged since the beginning and His views, wants, desires, hopes, and aspirations for mankind is also unchanged. We have become spiritually soft and I would hazard a guess this is because no one or collective group of thousands or tens of thousands of people all in unison have not heard from God lately. To even admit you hear God’s voice in your heart and mind in today’s world is looked at as strange. But, yet two men or women kissing each other isn’t strange? This perversion is truly the hallmark of the days Jesus predicted would come. Oppression is found in every avenue of our great society from how we oppress men’s and fathers rights, to how we oppress other people from other countries when their land holds something of value we prize and want to control it based upon the, “Holy Grail”,  of excuses called “National Security”. We oppress people with our hypocritical view of the 1%ers  to how we tax those who can no-longer pay taxes nor catchup in what they owe because of the meager wages they earn. Again, we have forgotten honesty, integrity, and hard-work and have replaced it with a dollar sign and loophole in the tax code called shelters. Who would have ever thought our money would need a shelter?


11 “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” ~ Proverbs 11:1

All the above indeed has caused a false balance, one so greatly exacerbated that our very economic system will implode its just a matter of when. Largely this problem of economics is based upon a decision made when our country was still very young and it was made through weakness of the President of the time and Greed from the banking institutions. This of course of which I speak gave rise to the modern money system we enjoy today, one based upon credit and interest. A system we force feed the rest of the world and yet we are surprised upon the eve of its failure of why the world hates us? I say what a short memory we have and what a wonderful ability to spin the truth we have developed. A false balance created through lies, manipulation, and dishonest behavior. As with our nation so too many people around the world have fallen into this greed and sin as their personal lives spin out of control spiraling downward from the lavish  spending and while spouting aloud that this looming doom will never happen, turning a blind eye to the obvious as well as turning a blind eye to God. Simple truth is when we as mortals feel we are more powerful than the most powerful being in existence. When we examine this in full detail it  seems to me to be something seriously wrong with how we view ourselves, and how unbalanced we have as people, as well as, a nation have we become.

27 “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” ~ Proverbs 3:27

Again “HONESTY” is the ability to recognize the truth, to tell the truth even when it is not in ones best interest, and it is our obligation as believers to keep our brethren from lying, cheating, and stealing from others. But the sin which is greater than the total sum is when a person in their own heart and mind willfully ignores the truth, ignores honesty, and withholds an honest man his due. In this any victory is hollow, any triumph is rendered meaningless, and all effort to that end have thus become futile. When we are given the opportunity to tell the truth and we ignore that obligation we then are turning our backs on what God wants, we thus change the circumstances to fit our own personal wants, stopping what was supposed to come into fruition and instead allowing an abomination. Everyone of us is guilty of everything thus far mentioned, but some of us more so than others. It is a hard reality when we wake and see ourselves in such a stark light, but nevertheless something we all must eventually do if we want God’s grace to shine upon us.

8 “Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues with injustice.” ~ Proverbs 16:8

Profit over righteousness? This has become the true question. Who should we be loyal to? Which master will be more forgiving in the end? Which side should we be on in these days of such turmoil? Jesus professed there would be such days where we would be blinded to what was real, man would sircome to evil and nations would crumble and fall because of their greed. The depiction of the end by John of Patmos is truly horrifying to say the least, but how much more bizarre and alarming was it to the disciples when Jesus spoke of those days. In fact Jesus was more in line with the idea that even the smallest amount of righteousness was better than none. It’s funny how people of those times mirrored those of us today who still clammer and bicker about who should or should not, ignoring that it would be righteous to find peace and accomplish the task together for the benefit of all. Both time periods are largely incased in vast greed, and the pursuit of happiness and truth through money and possessions  again something Jesus emphatically instructed not to do. I would hazard a guess that Jesus was talking to them and us and our children, and all people until His glorious return.


9 “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices 10 andhave put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” ~ Colossians 3:9-10

Therefore, in what has been thus written a collection of mankind’s collective sins against God. Here before everyone of us is the sin of dishonesty and the challenge to reverse or at least atone for our ignorance. For God has so declared for all mankind to be honest, to not lie, to not steal, to not manipulate, and  to never pervert the truth in anyway. God commanded us  to not bare falsely against thy neighbor  and to love one another as you love yourself. The challenge before all of us as sinners is to change and be more honest with God, with ourselves, and with our loved ones. To cast off our old sinful ways, and cling to our new more incorruptible selves. The challenge of honesty is real, it is ever present, it does not ever go away, and it above all it is absolutely, brutally honest. As I have stated before, a lie is a lie and will always be a lie, but the truth is the most honest things we could ever possess in this life. It is the ideal we should all strive for, we should all help each other stay devoted too, and it is that goal we can taste but never truly own.


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Brian Keith

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Brian Keith


Reflection 4: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Death; pt 4

“The wicked is driven away in his wickedness; but the righteous hath hope in his death.” ~ Proverbs 14:32

Death is summed up with one word, separation.  We are separated from God through sin, and it is this sin which Christ had to die on the cross in order to pay our sin debt in full for all of humanity. This is the most pragmatic of all the types of death we as human beings can experience, that being a physical death. This topic of death is a complicated one and is diverse in its nature, it holds permeant consequences and is to many people it is a topic which scares but also fascinates us.  So the real question is what can we expect from life according to death? To completely immerse ourselves within this topic in an attempt to answer this question we need to first understand there are categories of death, or better put categories of separation; some good and some bad; but  in all each category the wicked will die without hope and the righteous will have hope in their death and resurrection in Christ Jesus because again our sin debt  has been paid in full, that is the good news of our Saviour.

In life we experience different types of spiritual separation not all lead directly to a swift physical death; as was the case with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Neither then is all spiritual nor physical separations evil as was the case with Job, who won favor with God by never turning away from his faith in God when tested. Satan introduced to both Adam and Job great toil, pain, suffering, he separated both mortal men from God through testing them. This is exactly what Satan does to everyone of us and has done to all who has ever lived or will ever live. Some of these tests mold us into better people, others condemn us for all time.

Consequently, the categories of death can be best described as “Death According to the Mind”, (which are divided into two separate sub-categories and will be the main topic of this posting), “Death According the Spirit”, (Again having two sub-categories, the first dealing with true repentance and the other dealing with blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God ), and that of, “Death According to the Flesh”, (Which is the physical death we all must someday face.)  As mentioned above this first main category has two sub-categories that henge on mortal suffering that does not lead necessarily to a physical death but one that includes the death or loss of self identity and impeeds self actualization, this then is called, “Death of Self”. The apposing sub-category then is one where we have found our spiritual center, and have grown close to God and have allowed Him to mold us into a better person as advocated by John the Baptist and Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, this then is called, “Death unto Self.” Nonetheless, both sub-categories impact our future after we have passed and await judgement by God. Equally important to note the second main category, “Death According the Spirit” deals explicitly to our moral center drilling down to our very core revealing who we truly are. It is very much a “Good vrs. Evil” scenario with no gray area in between. On one hand we can be forgiven and on the other we can never be redeemed and risk eternal damnation or spiritual obliteration.

Sub-Category One: “Death of Self”

The first separation, “Death of Self”,  refers to  a death in character, a life changing event which forever changes who we are as a human being, a drastic change from who we once were or was intended to be. Most notably this kind of separation from our true self is one that is the most painful and is caused by evil of the highest order. Because we are naturally separated from God through sin at birth we are opened up to a greater amount of suffering in our lives. These types of sufferings come from a variety of life experiences that mainly derive from the relationships we have with others. To be more specific, “Death of Self”, occurs when a person is entangled in a suffocating relationship where by one person becomes poisonous to the other. The individual being poisoned will begin to do things that (he/she) would not otherwise do in order to save or preserve  the relationship. These attempts involve such efforts as to  make unrealistic sacrifices for the sole purpose of make the poisonous person happy. These sacrifices will eventually lead to resentment, anger, and if not stopped can mentally harm the target person and in that event will forever change the dynamics of the relationship as the victim will continue to undergo an unhealthy metamorphous that can not be reversed. Such targets who undergo these stresses and unjustifiable sacrifices are no longer who they once where as they risk loosing themselves in the constant struggle over power, control, and grapple with their self-identity, all while trying desperately to understand the “why” of each preceding event that just drags them further in and closer to absolute destruction as a person with a separate identity and belief structure.Each choice they are thus forced into making is without the benefit of all the facts therefore each decision is  a flawed one with repercussions that are equally devastating to their ego, and self identity. The person who has been suffocated will eventually become numb to all other emotions, be them good or bad, as their perspective shifts from one of light (equating to hope), to that of darkness, (equating to hopelessness and helplessness), for they live day-to-day in a tourcherous cycle without mercy, and absent of any promise of ever finding a way out. The victim in this instance could be living next door to blood-relatives and never reach-out for help as in their mind they have been conditioned to believe a twisted scenario they would never under any other circumstances would have subscribed too, but because of this desperate need placed into their hearts by the poisonous person the vicim cannot imagine life with them and indeed this become a very sick reality one without end. Some of these people I have personally known have committed suicide and others have walled themselves off from life so completely they refuse to let anyone else in for fear of being hurt or their secrets being discovered, which is a sham response that is programed into them by all the manipulations they have undergone.  The saddest part of  this is there will come a point where the pain and sacrifices are to much to for them to digest, and they disconnect not just from the manipulator but from life in general as the struggle is just to great. In this process of disconnecting they simply given up, they allow the very life they had once held so dear to be slowly be sucked away from them. The other sad reality is the ability to ever trust another human-being ever again is completely smashed, with that having another relationships becomes impossible as the overwhelming fear of being treated like this again is so powerful its simply easier to deal with life complete separated from everyone and everything. If the victim does eventually, (years later), venture out then they do so with great inhibition as their new program constantly tells them they where at fault, they made the last relationship fail, they where not good enough, and no one else will love them or accept them. In the worst case scenario the ego has undergone such a beating that the victim’s self esteem is so repressed that when others do accept them the contradiction in their mind brings them unbearable pain and complete disbelief as again their new belief pattern has been altered and so in their mind they perceive these new people and the attention they are receiving as an inherent lie and outside the framework of being trusted. Unfortunately the damage done within the process of this needless death of self and absences of socialization will take many, many years to undo if ever, and at best these victims might trust one family member, might reach-out to one friend they risk everything on, but never to the same degree they would have otherwise.

Examples of the poisonous personalities that will do this to a target person fall into several categories all their own, some are very benign and others are very toxic.  One category is people who suffer from certain types of mental illness toping this short list is those who suffer from type 1 & 2 Bipolar disorder, and those who suffer from Narcissistic behavioral disorders as they are masters of manipulation and pathological liars. I do not suggest that these people are any-more , or hold a greater amount of evil tendencies than the typical “sane” person, but I do acknowledge that if you are involved with a person be it a family member, child, or spouse who suffer from these illness your life can quickly become enveloped by them and if you are not careful they will begin to suffocate every ounce of life from various manipulations to control the relationship and it is never logic based, which is the chosen method to wear the target person out.  These personality types will commit the most hurtful as well as harmful acts against those they have targeted which range from withholding love,(Narcissistic Trait), to a higher degree of selfishness resulting in the “creation of”, (in the sense conflict was none existent prior), an ever increasing degree of conflict within marriages by the practice of separating paternal parents from their children, (Parental Alienation Syndrome), to the personality that destroys the one thing their victim loves the most in order to control them all while feeling no remorse for having done so, (Sociopathic trait), just to name a few. All these actions from the poisonous personality are focused on division and separation, thus causing the perfect environment for “Death of Self” to occur in their chosen target. Again, people who have died in this manner often times walk away with some mental disorders that was caused by such treatment by these varying poisonous personalities. Example of such illness are, Anxiety disorderPanic disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, Acute Stress disorder, Generalized Anxiety disorder, Major Depressive disorder, Dysthymic disorder, and a host of  Personality disorders. (For a full listing of definitions of all disorders listed please visit; The New International Standard Medical & Health Encyclopedia.)

Again, a person who is filled with such venom given them by  type 1 & 2 Bipolar disorder, and those who suffer from Narcissistic behavioral disorders and Sociopathic disorders are not inherently evil, but their acts if left unchecked will eventually lead them into deeper and deeper sinful and seemingly inhuman manifestations that will cause those they target to be sucked in only for those innocent unsuspecting victims to suffer a protracted  “Death of Self”.

In instances where children are in contact with such personality types their development is either halted or slowed and the child will live with a heightened since of fear, anxiety, and will develop a plethora of personality disorders due to the lack of proper socialization most normal children experience, thus these child  undergo a death in character that forever alters who they were supposed to become, destroying their characters, and overwhelming their nature since of order and stability as a human being, disrupting their lives to the point they no longer remember ever having any peace, love, whipping clean all memories of fun and encouragement and leaving behind a shell of a person who will grow to become more conflicted and confused and will live without hope dead unto the world! Despite the mental disorders that the venomous person holds and thus causes the act of “Death of Self” to happen in the first place,  be them adults or children they themselves have sinned greatly against our Father in heaven for they have become prideful, arrogant, selfish, lacking in morality, and their hearts so hardened they fall easily into sin and thus will fall like King Nebuchadnezzar for it is written;

18 “Your Majesty, the Most High God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor. 19 Because of the high position he gave him, all the nations and peoples of every language dreaded and feared him. Those the king wanted to put to death, he put to death; those he wanted to spare, he spared; those he wanted to promote, he promoted; and those he wanted to humble, he humbled. 20 But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. 21 He was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal; he lived with the wild donkeys and ate grass like the ox; and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and sets over them anyone he wishes.” ~ Daniel 5:18-21

Likewise, those who suffer from mental illness and seek out the Lord will be saved and will be healed as it has repeatedly been  illustrated in scripture;

24 “News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures,and the paralyzed; and he healed them.” ~ Matthew 4:24

For our Lord Jesus heals everyone of their illnesses and forgives all who seek him out while proclaiming that “nothing is impossible for one who believes.” ~ Mark 9:23

Note: The failure to properly recognize such depravity which leads people to sin with such repute from the stand point of man’s legatees and current court structure is what plagues our since of justice from truly being realized. In other words if Judges and lawyers, social workers, therapists, and psychologists who work for our family courts do not stop to realize the personality types they are dealing with and do not commit to basing their judgements off of issues of morality; then their actions will cause, (and have caused),  a systemic entitlement and enablement susceptible to manipulation of the current laws. Furthermore, this manipulation and pressure does not serve anyones best interest especially our children’s  and thus, is in fact such a server sinful act that those who perpetrate it for the sack of money, power, and / or self glorification will be damned to hell for eternity for it is written;

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! ~ Matthew 18:6-7 

Sub-Category Two: “Death unto Self”

Likewise, in contrast the “Death of Self”, to that of the “Death unto Self” is found in that the first forces a mental change in personality preventing a person to grow naturally into who they where meant to be, verse a growth in spirituality and a oneness with God. This second form of death was advocated by Jesus who in his many teachings outlined a path to Heaven, where as “Death of Self”,  is a path to greater separation,greater darkness, and greater despair. Examples of “Death unto Self” is littered throughout the Bible, for God wants to be in your heart, He wants a relationship with you, He desires to mold you into a better version of yourself. God inspires your soul, he feeds your needs through love, mercy, understanding, patiences, and virtue. God is the supreme master of all things in creation and He alone is the master of death though resurrection. If you give your life over to God, believe in Him alone, live as He commands you to live, then you will be called one of His children, belonging to God the Father, thus in this instance you have died to your old ways of living, and you are a new person in Christ Jesus.

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” ~2 Corinthians 5:17

This is thus a cause for a celebration, as the old is gone, and the new has come! John the Baptist also advocated this through His ministry of baptizing with water as found in The Gospel According to Mark, Luke, and Matthew:

4 “And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.” ~ Mark 1:4-5

2 “during the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” ~ Luke 3:2-3

1 “In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’”

4 John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.” ~ Matthew 3:1-6

Indeed, both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ understood and talked similarly about the condition of the spirit and the requirement of to repent all sin. The acknowledgement of this was to be baptitised with water. In this sense of the word, a person has died unto their sinful ways and suffered, “Death unto Self”, one of the most positive ways for us to die because we become forgiven of our sins, and thus become closer to God in the process, open to His divine will and prosperity. Only then can we truly begin to live and to understand His goodness in all things in life, be filled with hope and love and His mercy daily.

“But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:16

In short within these first two forms of separation we find that we are being separated permanently form two separate things, with the first we are being separated from God and our true self, and in the second we are being separated from sin and our old sinful life.

Category Three: “Death According to the Spirit”

As stated above, this third category affects your future life after death known as, “Death According to the Spirit”. Again there are two sub-categories which are parallel with both holding permanent consequences, and both is based upon your action while alive in the physical world. The first sub-category according to the Holy Spirit is known as the, “Repentant Heart”, a sinner redeemed, a person who has been baptized in the Holy Spirit of God.

“That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” ~ John 3:15

Signs of such a person are found in in many aspects of (his/her) life, starting with the acceptance of God the Father. In doing so the repentant person will cease to sin, or make great efforts to ending their sinful ways. This requires a strong will to turn your back on the flesh and the many desires found there in and to commit to a life of Christ. This commitment according to the Holy Spirit is a carefully orchestrated, planned, purposeful attempt to changing old sinful habits. Because your body becomes the temple which God now resides the need to protect your heart, your faith, is now linked to protecting your soul in every aspect of your life. Old concerns fall away one by one as your trust and faith grow in Christ. One of the most exciting changes affecting your immortal spirit is found in the first major change after accepting Jesus as your savior, that being the ability to confess all your sins, not just the sins that brought you immense trouble, pain, anxiety, heart break, and despair, but the ability to confess all your sins. I liken this to the notion that Gods knows everyone of your sins anyway, you can’t hide it, you can’t run away from Him, and the more you try the farther away from God you get. Therefore, the days of holding secrets and flying under the radar is over, for good. This will be an obvious shift in your heart that others will most certainly pickup on and may even start asking you about.

The next exciting shift in your thinking and wholeness of spirit is found in the idea that as a repentant person, (child of God), you will find the strength that had been given to you by God to face the pain that your many sins had caused the various people in your life that you love, that you care about, that you may have worked with, or had known briefly before sinning against them, or someone you had dated or married. The Holy Spirit  will move you, require you to take part in what is called the “invitation to forgive”. This is when you can no longer deal with your sin and your heart burns to be forgiven by everyone you have sinned against, thus you invite them in and you make a sincere attempt at making amends, because many times people will not come to you rather they will burn in their hearts quietly.

15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. 18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be lost in heaven.” ~ Matthew 18: 15-18

By opening the door you allow others to come in and share with you all their bottled up intense emotions, some may harbor anger, resentment, deep hurt,unfathomable sorrow, and unabated disappointment in your previous actions. But as a repentant person your conviction within your heart will give you the strength to offer no excuses or shift blame. In reality you chose to sin against them and the Holy Spirit will require you to take full responsibility for that behavior.

Consequently, these actions of confessing and being convicted in your heart is how your faith becomes stronger. Throughout this process you realize there is no way you could ever hope to pay back what you have taken by your sin, and this one realization is where you sin and your spirit part company as your forgiveness will be assured by our Lord Jesus Christ. The real trick, if there is one is remaining accountable t others, to yourself, to God. Always being quick to ask for forgiveness when you have offended someone or when you have incidentally  sinned against them. This one action releases you of the fear of conviction, releases you of the grips of sin, this again builds your faith, you love, your ability to forgive others when they have sinned against you. You spirit become clean, and ready for God, ready for that final mortal death we all must endure.

In contrast to the “Repentant Heart”, the act of, “Blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God”, is without doubt the one sure way to force God to condemn you into eternal damnation. In terms of death, this is the absolute separation from God. This is the absolute denial that God is your father, to speak with contempt about God, or to be resoundingly irreverent. Blasphemy is slander and libel directed at God. Moreover, God is so gracious that He is willing to forgive you of this sin unless you blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

 31 “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” ~ Matthew 12:31-32

The sin in and of itself is committed in two stages, the first being putting the Lord to the test;

7 “Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'” ~ Matthew 4:7

Putting God to the test is like putting your parents to the test when you where no older than just being able to walk and talk in comparison. It is not appropriate because it is deeply insulting that you, a mortal being could ever possible have the full knowledge to question the authority  of God if Lucifer could not be as great as God then who are you to even try? I often refer to the idea that can we create the universe? Can we create planets? Can we save ourselves and do enough good works that we can put ourselves into heaven? To think we can is simply the denial of our own limitations. So to hear others make outrageous claims as to know the mind of God and to predict the time He will return when Jesus himself did not know the time or the place, but only the Father knows is blasphemy in and of itself. To state false doctrine and lead others into sin is also putting the Lord God to the test, and I say unto you this is not advisable as it will lead to eternal damnation.

The second stage is to sin against the Holy Spirit, or rather denying the miracles the Holy Spirit worked through Jesus Christ and then also attributing these miracles done by Jesus to the power of Satan. This idea of placing Satan on-par with Christ is offensive enough, but then to deny Jesus worked these miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy. It suggests that Christ was Satan incarnate, and not God incarnate, it is the removal of good and replacing it with evil. It is that classic argument between absolutes, between (Good vrs Evil).  To defile the power of God, to reject God, to ignore the slender of God, to separate yourself from God, all on purpose is putting the Lord God to the test. It is indeed taking the very word of God and then depositing it with repute.

28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” ~ Matthew 10:28

Death According to the Flesh”

The final death which was caused by sin, is the  “Death According to the Flesh”.  Within this final category we find that God had cursed man to not have eternal life, but rather have a defined number of possible years that he may live her on earth. Jesus examines this final death as simply going to sleep;

11 “After he had said this, he went on to tell them, ‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.’ 12 His disciples replied, ‘Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.’ 13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.” ~ John 11:11-13

Jesus also refers to going away to prepare a place for us in His fathers house;

14 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” ~ John 14:1-3

Jesus also refers to death in the power given to him by God and that those who have died will hear His voice;

26 “For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself,27 and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man.28 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice 29 and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” ~ John 5:26-29

According to Jesus death is merely falling asleep, there is no pain, no more suffering, no worry, no memory of past failures or sins. The body is unconscious and so the logic that follows concerning death is it is like being asleep with any dream.

 5 “For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.” ~ Ecclesiastes 9:5

All suffering ends, and eternal rest begins in the physical narrative. Some have equated this form of death as a gateway which will either lead us to heaven or to hell depending upon how you lived your mortal life, thus, this final category is also a temporary death death.

25 “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.'” ~ John 11:25

This idea of being resurrected after you have been dead, no matter the length of time nor the condition of the body when Jesus comes back to fulfill His word has often puzzled many people. How is this to happen? How is it even possible? Simply put How was it possible for Jesus to live after His death? If this was possible for God, the truly there is nothing impossible for Him. Death is necessary in order to complete the curse God placed upon us starting with Adam and Eve, but hence forth from this death we will be raised up and for those who believe and who submit to His everlasting Glory shall have immortally in an incorruptible body just like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our final death is not our last defeat, but through Jesus Christ we will have our final victory, which is the resurrection after death.

50 “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ 55 “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” ~  1 Corinthians 15:50-58


If you liked this Reflection on DEATH please leave a comment. Also please LIKE and SHARE this post with others.

Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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God Bless,

Brian Keith



In the spirit of charity and from the necessity to provide  for all of Gods children, together in this mission,  Listening Faithfully has teamed up with a wonderful charitable organization in East Texas whose name reflects their good works, “God’s Hand Ups” and their work  is accomplished by a Godly motivation to help every children throughout their community. I am honored to have them as good friends in the Lord.  I can testify before you all today, that my good friend who is a founding member of this charitable group  has truly been tested in the manner described here in this blog posting and who has consistently passed this test of giving and working for the benefit of all in her community. I introduce you all to Tonia Allen, who currently has a wonderful new campaign in raising money for children in need. Please visit her donation site:  “GOD’S HAND UPS NOT HAND OUTS ”  and please be very charitable.

“Someone once told me that compassion was not simple. They believed compassion was huge. Compassion is SO simple as it is an act of kindness from one to another. It is only huge when it becomes over thought. God’s Hand Ups was founded by the vision of a 17 year old junior in high school who believed the world could be saved–“one person at a time.” ~ Tonia Allen, Gods Hands Up, 2013.




Author Brian Keith, writer and publisher of Listening Faithfully Blog offers to you his first e-book:

Listening Faithfully: The Sin Series  (Nov 28, 2012)

Taken from the most successful and popular series of postings on Listening Faithfully Blog in 2009-10, then edited and repackaged for your reading enjoyment, Brian has put together a comprehensive chronicle of sin!  With a massive amount of research and based upon Biblical Scripture each chapter reveals the shocking and revolutionary message of our Lord, while describing how each type of sin can destroy your life if left unchecked. It is a must read for-everyone to avoid the penalty of spiritual death.

Now available in the Listening Faithfully Store powered by! Start reading the Sin Series today in under a minute!

God Bless,

Brian Keith
Founder of Listening Faithfully Listening Faithfully: The Sin Series   (NOW ON SALE IN EBOOK, INSTANTLY DOWNLOADABLE FORMAT FOR $9.19)


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Reflection 3: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Charity; pt 3

38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” ~ Luke 6:38, NIV  Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Back in July, 2011 I wrote about Charity in the Virtues Series of  blog postings, I described it from the point of view typically thought of in the, “final degree”, (if you will), most accepted in our world today. I wrote;

“Charity is more than benevolent giving; rather it is also, limitless, unconditional, it is filled with an open hearted-acceptance, and overwhelming need to do for others, much like God has done for us. Charity in short is loving, kind, and patient. It cannot be expressed out of envy, boastfulness, pride, rudeness, and it is never self-serving. Charity works outside of the spectrum of anger, of keeping records of wrong doings, as it is more powerful when applied through understanding and sympathy toward our fellow men and women who have less than we do. But the real miracle behind charity is found in the ideal giving of those who seem to have everything. The best example of this is a rich man who has everything but piece of mind, who constantly seeks for solace for actions done in order to become rich; to remain rich, and /or in some other matter not related to finances but of relationships, ect. The act of forgiving this person or the offering of kind words which completely changes their way of thinking and or believing for the better can be charity as it lifts them from the bondage of guilt. I offer this example because I have known rich people that on the outside they seem happy, but on the inside they are dying, unfulfilled, left wanting for the words and the love of God.  Mind you this doesn’t have to be a rich person either; anyone could find themselves seeking God in this manner” (Keith, Brian, 2011, Virtues of Charity.)

In the 2011 post I was more concerned in expressing the virtuous act of charity, or the end result. But today I want to focus on the process we all must undertake to become charitable as it relates to the, “first degree”, (so-to-speak), and thus what we can expect from life in accordance to undergoing the path to charity.

Jesus, in the Gospel of Luke 6:38 is talking about how God measures our charity, for the word, “measure” is repeated three times, (which is of holy significance), which is a pattern constantly repeated throughout the Old Testament in accordance to the Hebrews in measuring all kinds of things including actual measurements of distance, sacrificial responsibilities within months and years. God applied such a holy significance on the number three that to truly understand the many layers and levels Jesus was applying to his words one would have to have been intimately familiar with old testament teachings and the belief system of the Hebrews that had later became the Jewish standard that Jesus was dealing with when he used the word “measure”. To help in understanding the symbolic nature of the usage of the number three a study was conducted by  Richard D. Patterson, titled; “The Use Of Three In The Bible”.  Thus, when Jesus used the word,”measure” three times then he was eluding to this deeper understanding of the process one must undergo when deciding or contemplating how to react to the poor, how to give, what the reward will actually be, and how it will be delivered. Jesus is talking about a process of how justice is to be dispensed, how we should perceive our role in this life and what we can expect from God when we give from the right perspective.

So what is the right perspective? Charity again is an unnatural act, the laws of nature are such that only the strong survive, and the weak parish. Thus, the perspective of Jews doctrine and later the philosophy of Christian teaching, most certainly the delivery of Jesus as in how he spoke, the words he used, the manner he carried himself, to the miracles he performed, and then the brutal way he was killed by the Romans are in its totality contradictory to the laws of natures. His death then must have re-enforced the laws of nature in that the weak die under the foot of the mighty; but the message he gave again in contrast was also not natural, it was a hard message to grasp because it forces us to feel a plethora of emotions that make us uncomfortable with our selves, with world, with our relationships, with our careers, and with God. But it is through the pain of change do we begin to contemplate a different path, one absent of brutality, one more forgiving and tolerant, one more kind and filled with the of love of God.

1 “Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.” Psalm 41:1-2, NIV Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Notice the act of Charity first must come from a place of pain, which then begins to change us, and within that change transforms our perception of the world we live in. All this is sparked from an action that forces us to think, to consider, to contemplate a different reality than what nature has thus far provided. In this alternate reality then, Jesus proposes for us to walk in his likeness. God Himself commanded us to treat each other in a more peaceable manner. Indeed the process God has placed humanity is a three step process which is derived of love, resulting in charity. Think about how different the world would be if we did not harbor ill will for our enemies, how different would life be if everyone was charitable to each other, freely giving to each other what we need, helping those who have less than. For in contemplating that reality today was met by the same resistance with equal force of the message Jesus taught two thousand years ago. As race, we are collectively being taught that nature does not have to be as harsh as we first perceived it to be. We can be kind, loving, and charitable with one another just as Jesus had first commanded. In retrospect its just one more step to being molded into a better version of ourselves, one closer to God, closer to righteousness. We are truly blessed in our contemplation about how to best respond to the poor. The Lord does deliver those who first have the spark of charity in their heart.

I had told one of my students many years ago in response to a question about why we need to give to those “strangers” on the street begging for food, “that to see and do nothing is just as wrong as doing something for the wrong reasons. We are convicted with the same measure we judge others with. We will receive in the same measure we give.”  In that through the process of thinking, we place ourselves in the other persons shoes, we begin to think and to feel what it is like to go without, the pain of not having, and thus through that process do we come to the realization of what the right course of action should  undoubtedly be. Because if we submit ourselves to the out dated laws of nature, that “stranger” would be stamped out without remorse, without any thought, and the human being that his soul represents would be smitted for all time. So yes, the Lord does preserve him, and keep him alive through the charity of others who can sympathize and rationalize the harshness of his reality.

With all this said, the process of thinking and being moved into an uncomfortable place has also moved mankind in some regard farther away from God, as our belief systems are impacted by our modern culture and our modern thought. We have changed and replaced words in scripture to make us feel better about what we do not want to do, what is required of us in order to recognize the truth of scripture. We have in some instances softened the message of Jesus because it brings to bare that hard to grip idea of how to become more like Him, again what is required, (i.e. sacrifice),  by all of us in the act of being charitable,  an example of this is found in the following two versions of the same text;

17 “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” ~ Proverbs 19:17, KJV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

17 “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” ~ Proverbs 19:17, NIV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Over time the way we think about scripture reveals how we as a people have changed in our relationship with God. We tend to stop fearing God and this leads us to change harsher words found in scripture with ones less harsh, less intrusive, less invasive, less critical, less judging, and less demanding stripping away all since of obligation to our fellow man as depicted here with the usurping of the word “pity” with “kind”. I argue we must feel “pity” for those in our lives closed to charity, for those who are poorer, we must feel this emotion of “pity” first before our contemplations of what to do about this obvious need that surounds us daily can fully manifest itself into our hearts and minds, before we can truly be “kind”. It is Gods way of molding us into a better person, moving us into action in ways we never thought possible. It is His action of inducing discomfort that shapes our sensibilities and gives us a new path with new values that allow us to be charitable, because in stark reflection of mankind we are not naturally charitable nor naturally kind. It is this which separates us from all other creatures in creation, it is this ability that makes us redeemable before God, and thus led God to send his only son in the greatest act of charity known to all creation. So it is those harsher perspectives of ages past that is closer to the real message of God, it is the meaning behind the word “pity” that tells a different story about what is required to become charitable, and the action as depicted in the word “kind” that is a completely different path from hence we have started and which leads to a different conclusion within our hearts and minds. Therefore, we must first feel the emotion of pity before we can allow ourselves to mature enough in the spirit to take action and to be kind, and through that process we are in the spirit and truly being blessed because we have acted upon a volume of preset emotional triggers God had put into place that moved and molded us into the act of charity. Thus, both versions of Proverbs are necessary to understand within the right context as it relates to the true definition of charity and the process we must first go through.

13 “But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” ~ Luke 14:13-14, NIV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Charity in its totality is an extreme form of humanism, it is a campaign against greed. But, to those who have plenty it is an even harder concept to master as who do you know that in throwing a banquet purposefully finds poor people, destitute people, homeless people, in order to share this feast? How many of them if they did so, would feel good about a “strangers” roaming their house and mingling with their guests? How many rich people do you know have invited you regular person, poor in comparison to them to their banquet? My favorite one-liner to people who would say in response to these questions, “But that just is not expected from us!”, is, “Isn’t that what Jesus did?” Then I hit them with, “Who did Jesus hang out with?”

See our Lord meant every word he uttered. I like to believe that he underwent a long dress rehearsal before being born to Mary and Joseph. I think Jesus knew instinctively what to say and how to say that would make people resist His radical concepts. For Jesus not just preached His message He lived His message. Thus, because we are also called to live in like manner to Jesus as humanely possible  I would love to see our President hold a huge dinner with an un-godly amount of food, then fly people from all over the United Stats, and Africa, Asia, and Mexico to take part in this feast. Because that is what Jesus would do. I say that because we are the wealthiest nation with the most plentiful of resources and yet we have such poverty, some of us live in the most impoverished of situations. Likewise, no matter how bad off some of us Americans have it there are people from all over the world who have it ten times more harsh, more impoverished. I say to you, that would be a righteous response, that would be an awesome act of charitable giving ever on behalf of our richest sector of our population. But in saying this, how many of those in our upper class would be tempted to charge these poor people something for attending? Again this reimbursement mentality is not just in our upper class but permeates throughout all classes of our society, it reaches down and destroys family, forcing many of us parents into poverty even though we work. We are being forced into slavery by paying double what any other person would only be required to pay once. Indeed our nation is sick, as is most of the worlds population, and it is that reality many people do not want to hear. So they change the wording of scripture, distance themselves from God, so there isn’t this big perception of obligation, and so we can live comfortable lives being charitable on our own terms, not on Gods terms.  To this I can only say, How much more blessed would we all be if we just gave into to Christ, Jesus, and submitted to His perfect ideal of charity.

33 “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.” ~ Luke 12:33, NIV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

The concept of selling everything was also a teaching that the people of Jesus’s time just completely resisted. In that time as like to this time people were and are very materialistic judging wealth by what you own, not by how much you have given to others. Think about the standard we for thousands of years have lived by, accumulate stuff, call it yours, show it off, brag about what you have taken from others, and then at your death your family becomes vultures and pick your estate apart as if you had never lived. No put that into contrast to what Jesus required, sell your possess, create treasures in heaven that cannot be stolen or that does not rust. Give to the poor in this life so your next life will be bless with a permanent  abundance. The obvious problem is greed, we are as we were a “Now Society” we are a “ME” orientated race, thick headed people. Personally I don’t want the unhappiness of being extremely wealthy, but I do want to have enough to share with all those I love and those who need me to share with them. I would like to build a permeant source of income that could be used to help millions rather than one or two lucky enough to be int he right place at the right time. That too isn’t how God works. In general societies work best when everyone shares resources, no one is above the law, no one has more or less than the other. The closer to that ideal we can get the better we all will be.

21 “It is a sin to despise one’s neighbor, but blessed is the one who is kind to the needy.” ~ Proverbs 14:21, NIV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Again we see this hard to grasp ideology of living without greed. Charity by its very nature is the exact opposite of greed, and thus the more greedy you are the less likely you are to be able to accept the whole notion of being charitable, and when the opportunities in life arise where by God is testing you to be charitable then the less like you are to passing this test. Sadly I have seen many people fail this test of Gods, and it had nothing to do with money, or possessions, but everything to do with attitude and disposition. I have bared witness to people that I deeply loved fall into this mindset of oneness, singular thinking which dictates there can only be one path, one person, one important set of philosophy and belief.  Normally these people fall into depression because they locked out hope, love, caring, compassion, forgiveness, and year they by nature are not charitable even when it would be within their best interest, they cling to a desperate ideology of greed, mired in full blown selfishness.

9 “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor.” ~ Psalm 112:9, NIV

Again the exact opposite of greed is charity. In this life you can expect to be given many chances to be charitable, you will confronted by hundreds if not thousands of people asking you, pulling at you, begging you to show them charity, but in faith know that God is the judge of all you do and he alone knows your heart. He alone knows if you truly where contemplating or not about an act of charity. God alone knows your mind and in some regards is rooting for you, encouraging you to scatter gifts in every direction, giving to the poor, not just in your monetary wealth but also in your time, in your heart. True charity is born from that uncomfortable feeling of pity, then guilt, which moves you to contemplation and action.

13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13, NIV   Read in Kindle Cloud Reader For Free!

Faith in God is equal to your heart trusting in His path, accepting His ideal which is uncomfortable in many terms, but this faith you build within God gives you hope, and in turn this hope builds up in you a love of charity. A deep longing to always be a helper to others as God is a helper unto you.


If you liked this Reflection on CHARITY please leave a comment. Also please LIKE and SHARE this post with others.

Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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God Bless,

Brian Keith



In the spirit of charity and from the necessity to provide  for all of Gods children, together in this mission,  Listening Faithfully has teamed up with a wonderful charitable organization in East Texas whose name reflects their good works, “God’s Hand Ups” and their work  is accomplished by a Godly motivation to help every children throughout their community. I am honored to have them as good friends in the Lord.  I can testify before you all today, that my good friend who is a founding member of this charitable group  has truly been tested in the manner described here in this blog posting and who has consistently passed this test of giving and working for the benefit of all in her community. I introduce you all to Tonia Allen, who currently has a wonderful new campaign in raising money for children in need. Please visit her donation site:  “GOD’S HAND UPS NOT HAND OUTS ”  and please be very charitable.

Someone once told me that compassion was not simple. They believed compassion was huge. Compassion is SO simple as it is an act of kindness from one to another. It is only huge when it becomes over thought. God’s Hand Ups was founded by the vision of a 17 year old junior in high school who believed the world could be saved–“one person at a time.” ~ Tonia Allen, Gods Hands Up, 2013. 




Author Brian Keith, writer and publisher of Listening Faithfully Blog offers to you his first e-book: 

Listening Faithfully: The Sin Series  (Nov 28, 2012)

Taken from the most successful and popular series of postings on Listening Faithfully Blog in 2009-10, then edited and repackaged for your reading enjoyment, Brian has put together a comprehensive chronicle of sin!  With a massive amount of research and based upon Biblical Scripture each chapter reveals the shocking and revolutionary message of our Lord, while describing how each type of sin can destroy your life if left unchecked. It is a must read for-everyone to avoid the penalty of spiritual death.  

Now available in the Listening Faithfully Store powered by! Start reading the Sin Series today in under a minute!

God Bless,

Brian Keith
Founder of Listening Faithfully

Listening Faithfully: The Sin Series   (NOW ON SALE IN EBOOK, INSTANTLY DOWNLOADABLE FORMAT FOR $9.19)


Reflection I: What You Can Expect From Life: According to Anger; pt 1

“Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry.” ~ Ecclesiastes 7:9, NKJV

In this life we experience so much, and so I thought it appropriate to start the new year with a new series of blogs dealing with each of life’s experiences. This posting will explore anger in the context of its usage and its qualities for both good and bad. The focus will center around the effect upon others in each category as it relates to how our God has used anger in the past. We will delve into the model left by Christ on this topic and how it applies to every single human-being today, and how Satan does his best to thwart our efforts and then to pull us down through anger.

Anger as a noun is defined as, “A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.” ~

Therefore, in our life when we feel angry it is neither good or bad. It is simply a reaction to something that has happened to us. It is logical to then state that one does not willfully make ones-self angry, but rather an external force is at work that which we are reacting too that makes us feel this natural and neutral emotion. In my life I have seen things which I have  taken a strong disliking too, however by nature I am very slow to anger, but once there I am angry for a long time. In my youth as all kids do, I misused anger and in doing so said a lot of things I would later regret having ever said. In this manner anger can be used for evil deeds, but most of our children simply misuse anger for lack of training and experience. In the context of angry emotions being used for good is found simply in the recognition of the fact that you are angry, this is of course rudimentary logic. Interestingly, in our society feeling angry is often looked upon as being a bad emotion and is shunned. Ironically, the shunning of this emotion leeds to burying it deep inside and if left to fester will cause great damage to the person and all those around them as they erupt like a volcano uncontrollably. In that sense we create the evil in what was otherwise a neutral emotion. The simple act of recognizing that you are angry is a pure, honest, and healthy way to handle this feeling. In most cases it is not enough to simply recognize your angry, but rather develop the ability to know why your angry, what was the trigger, what external force brought you to this emotion. In understanding anger in this manner you bring control and wisdom to the next step of the process, which of course is the actions you commit while being angry.

Anger as it is a verb is defined as, ” To make angry; enrage or provoke.” ~

In this perspective anger is the act of being provoked into action. Thus, if full control is not first asserted those who have provoked have a distinct advantage over the one who is being provoked. Think back if you will to when as a child your sibling called you a name that you disliked, or kept you from doing something you wanted to do. Most of us fired back without thinking, not to simply keep your sibling from making you angrier, but as an act of revenge. This in turn proved yourself, (not evil), but immature, lacking the ability to control your anger, and thus at a distinct disadvantage to your sibling or aggressor. In large part this lack of control is due to the rush to action while ignoring the honest recognition of being angry. Had we stopped, taken a breath, then thought it through most of us would have brushed the insult off. But by nature children do not do this because their brain is not yet developed enough to process the “why” aspect of this honest emotion. Most of us where spanked into submission and took this punishment for being angry or becoming angry, rather as it should have been explained that the punishment was not for becoming angry, but what we did with it. Therefore, the evil in the emotion is found within the action taken while experiencing this honest, natural, neutral feeling of being angry.

I have often times told my own daughter that, “it’s ok if your angry at me or your mother. But instead of acting out on your anger stop and remember that you love both of us equally. It is ok to tell me that your angry, as long as you do it in a respectful manner.” I remember having many conversations with her about angry emotions, about acting out in anger or rage. I always made her the promise that I would listen to her. In more recent times our relationship has become rocky at best, partly because of needless events that were outside both our control. There have been many things said to me, about me, in front of me, and be-hide my back which my daughter should have never been apart of or in its hearing. To some degree our hearts have been hardened, and angry emotions have been left to run rampant in our conversations. In this aspect anger is not yet evil, but is hurtful, destructive, malicious, disrespectful, and the actions taken are not pure, and thus are not controllable. Subtle changes have occurred in her language over time such as the absence of words like, “I miss you”, or “I love you”, or “I am sorry”,  have all but disappeared, which reveals her anger is due in large part to the secrets she has been forced to kept from me. But never-the-less the disparity between us if left unchecked will grow more divisive and become spiteful at which point it will be pure evil. I bring this up not to disparage my daughter, who is about to be seventeen, but to point out the difficulties within interpersonal relationships built into high conflict marriages, and the pure immaturity to which anger leads to the mutual destruction of the family unit, and in this manner anger is evil.

On the other hand God has never used anger for evil means, though He is blamed for it all the time. Rather that deed belongs solely to Satan. Evidence of this in the Bible is found in how Jesus handled anger and thus left us a perfect model to follow, though admittedly it is in part shrouded in mystery.

“23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, ‘Get you behind me, Satan: you are an offense unto me: for you consider not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.'” ~ Matthew 16:23

In reading this specific scripture the love Jesus held for His disciple Peter is hard to find. One’s mind instantly snaps to Peters defense as the justification was not apparent that supported Jesus’s reaction to Peter’s words to him. So it is tradition in reading the Bible one must dig further and read what Peter had said that angered Jesus so;

“20 Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ. 21 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. 22 Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, ‘Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” ~ Matthew 16:20-22

If we take away the word “rebuke” and simply put, “Peter took Him aside and said to Him,” this passage would have an entirely different meaning. In fact Peter was acting with good intentions, (far be it from Jesus, that He must be made to suffer so.) To anyone else this would have been seen as a act of compassion. But because Jesus was the Christ, Peter inadvertently rebuked Him. For Jesus to not complete His mission that He had just revealed to His disciples would have been tantamount to failing God and in that Satan’s reign would be assured. In no other manner of  Heavenly thinking could this be allowed, and thus in the mind of Christ, Peter proposed an abomination in the face of the living God, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This abomination rightfully angered Jesus, though this was a mystery to Peter. Waisting no time, Jesus did the following within a split second; He first recognized He was angry at Peter for having voiced this abomination; for had he not His actions might have been to smite Peter where he stood. But Christ did not smite Peter rather He answered the devilish notion Peter proposed calling it what it was; and idea placed into Peter by Satan. Therefore, Christ’s action was mature in nature and swift in scorn out of  both love for Peter, and out of a mature, controlled, resounding anger that was aimed at Satan;

“23 Get you behind me, Satan: you are an offense unto me: for you consider not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” ~ Matthew 16:23

To apply this new found knowledge to life as we know it in the modern era of the twenty first century, then we must first delve into  anger from the perspective of how it progresses through each stage as stated above in the example of how children perceive hostel external forces and then apply scripture to it. So as a child being picked on by a sibling or other children at school the external force is in the buttons pushed by the name calling or other aggressive action which the target child internalizes and thus begins to show a resounding disliking too.

(Note the usage of  “child examples” are also relevant to how grown-ups react and thus are also very much acting out as a child would. In addition, when children are punished their is a layer of mystery to the “why” aspect of the punishment much like the “why” element Peter experienced with Christ as described in Matthew 16:23. These moments are not unique to just Parent child relationships, but extend out to envelop all relationships at all levels of life.)

When children or adults willfully pick on each other the buttons being pushed which trigger the anger is done in a willful manner. These proverbial  buttons are pushed deliberately, in this example as much fun as it may be, the evil is still found in the action of the aggressors, but this evil can be transferred to the one being being picked on as these repeated actions cause real, physical, pain, and suffering. Anger swells up, emotions take over, and negative actions are bound to take place. However, in the spirit the aggressors themselves are also being prodded to commit these acts of teasing. In this example of children evidence of Satans involvement is found in the uncontrollable action to continue the undesirable behavior. Think back to how many times you teased someone, or did so without ever thinking about it. Allow yourself to remember how effortless it was and in many ways fun to keep doing it. That behavior is not intrinsic of humanity, but rather was introduced by Satan to humanity. How easily was Peter taken that he did not even realize it, and if this was easy for Satan to take one of Christ’s disciples then how much more simply will our children be influenced to commit evil deeds.Thus, applying this logic the reaction the victim will have from being teased is also uncontrollable as it can also be attributed to Satans influence. This is exemplified in how the Sanhedrin seemingly revolted at the idea of Jesus being the Christ. They, (supposed spiritual leaders),  actively sought Him out to kill Him.

Now in the example of my daughter, the notion of having to rebuild a relationship, her anger with the events of her life dealing with our interpersonal relationship that has taken a beating from external forces that we both could not control, that progressively led to both of us becoming frustrated and angry at each other for allowing these external forces to have such a devastating effect in the first place, has led her to misplace her anger. Like Peter she has proposed disastrous ideas, which in large part where placed there not by me but by many other people; so called professionals in the Family Court Industry. Thus, some of what she has been indoctrinated with could have never possibly worked  because like Peter those notions where of Satan, they were derived or conjured up in the spirit of division, separation, and thus destroying our relationship. But to her, like Peter everyone else wants to come to her defense when I try to correct her. (Note: I am not rebuking my daughter, rather the ideas that which she has proposed, much like Jesus did to Peter. i.e. these ideas given to her by other people who’s spirit have been influence by Satan that which she has acted out on.) Because these ideas did not originate within her, her anger is caused by the ill effects of the actions taken which did not work, thus misplacing her anger at what she thinks is the cause rather at the true source. Therefore,  she becomes frustrated and angry at me when in fact she needs to direct her anger at those whom gave her those disastrous ideas in the first place. Because she is still in large part a child her brain has not developed enough to be able to decipher the complete realities and in truth she has only been told what was required to prod her into doing the things she has done that did not work, and which has forced her to simply ignore not just me, my entire family, which is indicative to an unhealthily (all or nothing) mentality.  In that context abuse has taken place as she is completely left defenseless, this abuse is from all the other adults whom willfully destroyed our relationship. My justification in punishing her actions, like Jesus, is hard to see but nevertheless justified because I bared witness to all the events from their creation, (like Jesus to Peter), and in my struggle to prevent them from happening, and in the fight to protect my daughter whom I love just as Jesus loved Peter, there has been conflict that was completely unnecessary.

(Note: Jesus was not about to take this abomination from Peter, and thus no parent should ever have to suffer such evil as what has transpired through the Family Court System of our day an age.)

From a parent perspective much sacrifice is required, so it is that in the spirit of Christ who sacrificed His life to save humanity, we in modern times sacrifice ourselves, our time, and in some instance we are called to do the unthinkable no matter how unfair it seems at the moment, no matter how upset our children get at us, they are still children, (liken to Peter), and we are adults, (liken to Christ).

“And Jesus answering said unto him, ‘It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.'” ~ Luke 4:12

The usage of anger for good is best exemplified in the the term; “Righteous Indignation.” Jesus placed himself in a position to be tested, to prove His divinity, and His rightful place next to God. Satan played the role of tempter, as he had prior to being thrown from Heaven by God. In all these temptations we can extrapolate the role of Christ as being the role of parent, and the role of Satan as the spoiled child who is trying his best to get his way. Rules have been laid down for both to follow, and when this line has been crossed by Satan, i.e. your children, then you, as Jesus the parent turn with righteous indignation to punish or present to alternative which keeps the rule intact and this both prevents the child from harm, but also teaches the lesson that all rules must be followed. Admittedly, Satan has no intention on following any rules, and thus the lesson is wasted upon. But the point of the lesson Jesus was exemplifying even Satan could not ignore. In this role play, Jesus as parent retained the right to use His anger in a justifiable manner.

Again taking from the example of my daughter, in this struggle she, like all those who have lined up to test me, to test my resolve, to test my role and right at being a parent to her, all of whom continually finds new and very interesting ways in which to dethrone my rules, (and the courts rules), my thoughts, my opinions, my wants, my desires, and to manipulate all my time for the sole purpose of wearing me out so that I will quiet trying be her father.

(Note: This drama is very much an earthly drama and open rebellion against authority and against the very laws of nature itself. Much like the drama found in the Bible as we, men, women, and children, rebel against our father in heaven.)

Admittedly this goal is not apparent to many who have been involved nor has it been apparent to my daughter who as a child naturally rebells, which is liken to Satan who disguises his attacks and methods so as to make it look like someone else or something else entirely, thus throwing everyone off track continually without end. So my reaction like that of our Lord, using His example, in my anger my response has always been to confront the problem, to address the rules, and to attempt to enforce the stated rule. Unfortunately, I am not Christ, and the courts have no backbone and refuse in enforce their own rules as it relates to my ability and right to parent, and their judgments do not follow State Statute. Thus, the frustrating no-win scenario  falls to an unhealthy imbalance that swings the pendulum permanently to one side and thus no lesson of any value is taught to my daughter and there is a false sense of security built up into a false teaching that dictates there is no repercussions from your ill actions against others and you can do whatever you want to whom ever you want as no one will stop you. This is the underlying philosophy of Satan himself. This is what Satan tried against God in heaven, this is what he again is trying against Jesus found int he temptation scripture of Luke 4:12. This is at the core of all interpersonal relationship we experience when open rebellion occurs. No matter how righteous we are, we are taken Satan, as we are all sinners and thus susceptible to his influence.

Therefore, I say to all those people whom have cost me so much, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” for the Lord our God protects his children whether it is apparent to you or not. For the fact I am still here should be proof enough, thus I say these things to you with righteous indignation.

“And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” ~ Matthew 12:32

Anger can lead us all to do the most stupid of things. It can confuse us, disorientate us, and force us to commit the most grievous of sin. I teach all my children and thus I teach to all of you through my writings here on this blog, that there is one sin which God chooses not to forgive. This if you will is the surest way to anger God, to call upon yourself His most devastating of punishments and that  punishment no one can erase, argue for you in your defense, ease your pain, or take it away, for this curse is so resoundingly devastating there is no coming back, there is no second chance, there is nothing you can do to make amends to God. That act is the act of blaspheming the Holy Spirit of God, to utterly reject God. Coupled with this grievous of sins which has two stages, Jesus Christ gave us a warning prior to this one about His reaction to all those people whom reject Him in public;

“33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” ~ Matthew 10:33

Therefore, to reject Jesus Christ in your life, to ignore His commandments, to place man’s law above His, to think you are better than, to spite in His face, Jesus will rebuke you to His father, to our father in Heaven. Most of the time this action is done out anger, and it at this point can be forgiven, but to continue in your anger, in your rage, in your sinful act of rebellious revenge than and curse God Himself, the Holy Spirit, to reject God completely as Satan has tried to make us do, that he himself has done, which forces God hand, then there is no salvation.

In putting this into our modern day examples the simple truth is this, children need both parents, they need our love, our guidance  our understanding, our commitment to their mutual success in life. When outside forces willfully disturbs this balance built into nature then anger in both parent and child naturally occurs. It always dumbfounds me when courts ignore this and take form child a parent whom loved them. The courts mandate is to always do what is in the best interest of the child, but there actions are of the exact opposite  Train professionals seem to have a an axe to grind when told something negative  that which is given to them by the child, in some instances taken out context, warped  twisted, and misunderstood by the child. In my personal experience the therapists  social workers, lawyers, and the judges themselves have a deceived the masses into a false sense of security, and thus get away with the destruction of our families. Jesus stated he was not here to create peace, but to bring the sword. In His perfect example in dealing with ideas of Satan, or evil intonations we must reject those ideas, we must shut the door to the sin they bring with them. And when people, be them your family or friend denies you, rebukes you, spits in your face, lies about you, then they have done so out of anger, and if your a true believer in God then they have sinned against you, but also against God. Your testimony must then reflect this sin, it then must be atoned for in order for that person to be truly forgiven, the compassionate words of a sorrowful heart is the only path to redemption. It is this drama that anger brings to bear, as most of us are still very immature in handling it in comparison to Jesus. I am always open to a sorrowful person, I am always available to a person whom has sinned against me and wishes to make amends, but I am not as Jesus was not available to those who wish to keep on hurting me, for I am about our fathers business. In fact Jesus instructed  us, His disciples to do the following;

“And whosoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.” ~ Luke 9:5

Therefore, be slow to anger, be forgiving to one another, use compassionate words always, be ready to apologize and ask for sincere forgiveness, be tolerant of others, be mature in your actions, always investigate fully before assigning blame, always ask what your actions have done to others that which would have cause strife, and above all use the examples of Jesus when angry.

In Jesus’s name I say these things to you as a witness to His Devine mercy. May God Bless in all that you do, in all your endeavors  for the rest of your life. I ask that you never stop learning, growing, walking, and listening to our Saviour Jesus Christ.


If you liked this Reflection on ANGER please leave a comment. Also please LIKE and SHARE this post with others.

Brian Keith

Your invited to stay in contact with me!



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While  at our Online store powered by please consider being one the 20 special supporters of Listening Faithfully and purchase a Kindle Fire today. One Kindle Fire supports one child for this Summers Technology Team Course at Ascension Catholic School.  Become a supporter of inner city literacy today!

If your into marketing like I am then you need to generate leads period. So for visiting Listening Faithfully please click the following link and get your very own FREE LEADS GENERATING SYSTEM FOR FREE   – FOREVER TODAY! Click Here to claim your free FREE LEADS GENERATING SYSTEM! 

God Bless,

Brian Keith

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 


Special Reflection: Sin Series e-Book Release

So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sistersins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” ~ Luke 17:3-4, NIV


Listening Faithfully Blog: Sin Series

What you will find is a biblical account of SIN found in the scripture applied to our modern day lives.

The nature oJesusf sin as it was introduced is based upon the most grievous of acts known as Pride. This act as the base sin brings us to the most inhuman levels of existence as it glorifies such emotions as selfishness, greed, wrath, rage, violence, madness, the want for instant gratification, and ultimately leaves the human soul depleted and filled with anger that turns the heart as black as coal. Within this series now in e-book format SIN is discussed in a more understandable, conversational manner that brings the reader through the Origin of Satan, the introduction of the first sin, and then finally through the various pitfalls of sin better known as the Seven Deadly Sins. There is in great detail the path everyone can follow to avoid these sins and their affects on our lives. This Armor Plating which repeals SIN is found in scripture and always starts with forgiveness.

If your life is overtaken with SIN and you want out of its grip, or if you simply want to educate yourself on this topic, then there is no better resource than this short e-book produced from the pages of this blog, Get Your Copy Today!

Listening Faithfully Blog: Sin Series


May God be with you always, Amen.



Special Posting: Christmas 2012

26 “In the sixth month of Elisabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.'” ~ Luke 1:26-28, NIV Bible.

An angel came to Mary, the mother of Jesus and said to her, ” Greetings, you who are highly favored.” In retrospect there is no better opening; no news greater; nothing more spatular, than what we as mortal beings could have ever hope to hear whether in the time of Mary or in our own current day. How awesome it would have been to be told by an angel of God that you are highly favored. I can’t even begin to imagine what was going through Mary’s mind upon hearing those words spoke aloud. Building upon what would have most certainly been a highly emotional event for Mary; firstly the shock of seeing an angel of God, secondly the impact of what he had announced must have been overwhelming in and of itself, those breathe taking and at the same time scary words Gabriel spoke to her. To be certain Mary indeed was blessed, and God was truly with her in that moment and in every other precious moment she experienced and would ever experience from that moment on. For me I think Christmas begins with these words spoke by Gabriel, “Greetings, you who are highly favored!”, because through the promise of Jesus, His salvation, the future events which had not yet come to fruition at the time Gabriel came to Mary, I can’t help but to think that Gabriel was really speaking to all of humanity, that he had foreknowledge of the mission of Jesus and was thus so excited when first addressing Mary. There is no arguing to the fact that God loves us and wanted us to be close to him, to have a lasting rewarding relationship with Him, thus logically the first present given to humanity by God in this moment was these very words spoke by Gabriel, thus adding to Gabriel’s excitement and jubilee; “Greetings, you who are highly favored!”

29 “Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.'” Luke 1:29-33, NIV Bible.

If it was fear that Mary first felt, then the second emotion must have been the smallness of being mortal, or even more to the point the feelings of being inferior and undeserving. The first question which might have crossed her mind might very well have been; (Who am I to have won such favor with God?) Again many of us today ask this very question when God blesses us with miraculous miracles that we know that we do not deserve; ( Who am I to have won such favor?) This question also would elude to a devastatingly awesome humility that few of us exhibit in today’s time, but Mary was filled with it. In fact it was Mary’s humility which concurred the sin of pride exhibited by Eve in the garden of Eden. It was our beloved mother Mary which redeemed for all time women and their roll in society. Her love which concurred the law in Joseph her betrothed that which kept him from turning her over to be stoned as it was demanded by the Mosaic law of the Jews. This same love that for thirty years fostered in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. All of this told to her by the angel Gabriel to calm her and to ease her for what was to come. Mary’s fear and then humility was honest and forthright and it was qualities which God Himself feel madly in love with. Proof of this can be found in the blessing God bestowed unto her both in life and in death, for what she received no other person has or will ever receive, the chance to give life, to give birth, to be the mother of the most High God. In truth the story of Christmas started nine months before the birth of Christ, as there where many individual miracles which manifested themselves to make this one event possible, all of which was given as foreknowledge to Mary as both a promise and proof of God’s power and unfailing love for her and of all mankind. Truly this is a time of love, sacrifice, forgiveness, mercy, and a season of giving.

34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” ~ Luke 1:34, NIV Bible.

On this verse of the Bible, Mary’s concern is one of the worlds not of God, but a fare question as she would have to deal with the repercussions of becoming pregnant before marriage as everyone that she knew would believe she had been with a another man when in fact she had not been. What of Joseph, his disgrace; but how would giving birth to the Son of God be disgraceful? Another valid question which she did not ask, but rather implied with her first and only real question. With no tangible manner in which for Mary to cling onto, the angel Gabriel steadfast in his mission answered her;

” 35 The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will ever fail.” ~ Luke 1:35-37.

If there was any fear or uncertainty in Mary at this point, the Bible does not mention it, again her humility, her nobility in God, and her strength which she is so known for was all that remained. Her questions seceded and her humanity took over, for Mary must have known her unborn child’s mission, and of his fate. The gravity of the moment and its life altering affects also must have loomed large in her mind. But despite these challenges Mary forged on, and accepted it, gave herself to God, and with it the salvation of all mankind.

” 38 I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Then the angel left her.” ~ Luke 1:38, NIV Bible.

Thus, let it be so that in this Christmas season we celebrate not just the birth of Jesus, but also of Mary His mother who over came fear and doubt, but who also loved us enough to make this sacrifice for all of us. May we remember those gifts which came into this world that might not have if Mary had not been humble and obedient to God. May we give thanks to her bravery and forthrightness in all her deeds in raising Jesus to be who He eventually became.


If you have been moved by this reflection please do not hesitate to leave a comment, and may your holidays be filled with the love and blessing of our loving God.

Special Posting: Veterans Day 2012 (Thank You For Protecting Us)

“5 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” ~ Galatians 5:1


On this day I stand before the world and I proclaim that God is our master and He alone set us free, but it is through our will and His love that we remain free and that we never fall back into slavery. As a veteran myself I heard the most power call to serve my nation, to lay down my worries, my wants, and my desires and to stand in the face of evil with my fellow brothers and sisters of this nation and protect our sacred right of liberty and freedom which our founding fathers carved out for all of us. I do not think it a joke or something frivolous in which our elected officials use our collective might for their own political gain, but rather for the honor bound promise God has entrusted with this nation to protect freedom, to give every person no matter from where they come the right to live in peace and be free of the horrible yoke of slavery. It was these sets of principals I joined the United States Navy in 1991 and it was the most rewarding experience and one I held as the highest of honors to serve this great nation. So on this veterans day I solute all of our men and woman who are currently serving our nation, putting their lives in harms way day and night, every day of their enlistment. I solute those members of our armed services who serve here in the states in both the reserves and in the Army NATIONAL GAURD who without your support our troops could not have done what they have accomplished thus far in all the conflicts around the world. In reflection the United States is the most powerful country on Earth, we have the largest force ever assembled in history and it is by the shire service our brothers and sisters who voluntarily serve which makes this nation the greatest of any nation ever in the history of the world. Our nation was founded upon Christian values, God is on our currency, Christ is in our blood, and it is this which makes our armed services unique because we fight for the singular purpose backed by these words from our Constitution;

“We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” ~ Preamble of the United States Constitution, September 15, 1787.


“17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17

No one can convince me that America is not worth fighting for, no one can turn my convictions from my land, from my love. I know God is with me, I know He is in the land that which I dwell, because there is written the proof of His Almighty love, power, and might. I have His sworn oath of duty in my hands, in my heart, and in my life. Because there is this promise in my country I know God is here in the United States of America and in all other nations which prize freedom above all other things. Freedom is upon my lips, freedom is the word that comes forth like a sword of vengeance against all who wish to oppress others, for I have seen God in our Armed Forces, and in our  military might. Every citizen has the duty to uphold God and this promise, we all share in the burden to defend our liberty. No one be them male or female has the right to take from the land without swearing and oath to protect that same land which he or she took from. I say to you live in this way, with these promises and your life will be blessed with abundance. Serve with this duty in your heart and this becomes your shield when the fight becomes ugly. Our services members serve with such honor and I solute all those who have fallen in the duty of this great nation.


“13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” ~ Galatians 5:13

On this day remember your brethren who has gone before you who also served, who also was called to freedom and to be free. Remember the oath you

took and serve with responsibility to never take advantage of others who are defenseless and weak.  This is the directive every service member serves, and is also what makes our nation so great. We never fail to leave our brethren’s behind, we never fail to answer the call of our allies in need, and we never fail to remember our loved ones and the reason why we serve with such ammunition and vigor. Though our services members serve far from home, it is their humility which raises them up from the plateau of  greed, sin, violence, and merciless plunder,  and allows our nation to free people from around the world who have called upon our might which is blessed by God.

On this veterans day 2012 I want all veterans to celebrate your service, your sacrifice, your will to lead, and your dedication to our great nation and to all people whom we protect from tyranny. May God bless you, your families, and continue to bless the United States of America.



Reflection 7: Unexpected Miracles

“22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?'” ~ Luke 12:22-26

Jesus Christ told His disciples not to worry, but instead trust in God for all their needs. This message in reflection is a simple idea, but is so hard to do daily. The people of that age had nothing in comparison to what we have in our modern day lives and yet they found it hard to have such trust in God as we suffer the same difficulties today. God blesses us with so much wealth and good things in our lives and yet few of us really thank Him for it. I have written on this blog in the past of the difficulties of our lives and the temptations which we face with every waking breath. I have given example after example of the hardship of following this simple directive from Jesus. So in this post I want to begin sharing examples in my own life of the smallest of blessings God grants daily which prove God loves us and provides for us in the most unexpected ways.

The Oak Tree

I loved going to grandma’s house as a boy. My grandma would always have cookies ready for my two sisters and I piping hot right out of the stove when we got there. The house always smelled of joy and of happiness which filled the heart with love as soon as you walked through the front door. Grandma was so loving and kind, she always had a smile on her face, she always had something witty to say and she was filled with such energy it made it hard to leave her when it was time to go home. In short no one held a candle to my grandma, and in truth I miss her greatly every single day of my life since her passing. But on this day she told me that to get a cookie I would have to help clean the back yard. There was some tree limbs which had fallen that she wanted me to move to the brush pile so grandpa could burn them. So I did what she had asked me, but once I had finished I saw a twig laying on the ground. It was a long twig, one reminiscent of the twigs I would get swatted with by my dad on those long outings on the road when my sisters and I would fight in the back seat and cause a terrible commotion and had truly deserved the swats. At-any-rate I heard this voice in my head that told me to pick it up and skin it, play with it then it will grow. So I did exactly that, I skinned it, played with it all day, beat it against the tree drunk, concrete stairs, I even chased the poor dog around the back yard a bit with it, (never hitting the dog), and then I was told to place the twig into the flower bed my grandma had just off the back porch. Again I complied and thought nothing of it at the time, then I went in and claimed my cookies for a job well done. When it was time to go home I told grandma to water the twig. In retrospect it looked very lonely amongst the beautiful flowers of the flowerbed, and in truth I didn’t think my grandma would comply with my request. But then seven days later my grandma called the house excited. She had asked my mother to bring me to her house because she had something to show me. So my mother and father packed all of us kids in the car and we drove to grandma’s house. The car ride was filled with thoughts about why grandma had wanted us to visit as excitement began to claim a hold over everyone as grandma had been quite vague about her request. When the car stopped in the driveway of grandma’s house I burst from the car and ran all the way into her house. Grandma smiled with excitement and said to me, “Come Brian! Come and see your twig!” She took me by the hand and off we went at quite a pace to the back door with the rest of the family in tow.  We cleared the back door with anticipation building with each pound of my heart until we got to the flowerbed. I did not know what I would find, but there amongst the beautiful flowers was there the twig with one little branch that had grown from a top of it and at the end of the tiny branch was the smallest little leaf I think I have ever seen. Grandma smiled and said, “Today is green thumb day at the Stark house!” I looked at grandma in amazement and just stood there, in shock. Then I remembered I had done exactly as I had been told to do by that little voice in my head. So I looked at grandma not wanting her to be saddened by my revelation, but I had to tell the truth. So I sheepishly looked up at her and said, “Grandma I don’t want you to be mad at me but God told me to do the things I did to this twig, so its not me who has the green thumb.” She smiled and said, “Well you listened and thats all I need to know. Tomorrow I am going to need your help planting more flowers in the other flowerbeds around the yard. Do you think you can help me with that?” I smiled and said, “Yes grandma, I can help.” I got to spend that night, and I fell asleep seeing the hand of God in action, taking care of the smallest most insignificant life in our world. God loves everything and upon that day I was convinced in God and in His power. The twig grew and grew until it was to large for the flowerbed. It became so large my dad dug it up and then replanted it in the front yard of our house in Oak Grove, Missouri. To my knowledge it became the largest tree in the neighborhood and is still there to this day.

27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” ~Luke 12:27-31

The Sparrow

When I was thirteen I had a BB gun and I would go to grandmas farm and shoot at the sparrows. One day I hit one by accident and then I heard a voice in my head that told me to take the bird and slap the ground next to it and call it back to me. So out of horror of what I had done, I took its lifeless body to the concrete patio behind the house  and laid it down carefully. I looked up at the sky and cried out to God, begging Him to restore it to life. I then beat the ground next to the dead sparrow three times and it began to flutter with life. I placed my hand upon it and could feel its tiny heart beating. I then removed the BB from its throat and suddenly it sprang up from the patio and took flight. I ran after it in disbelief but also in relief as I saw it land in the tree by the front drive way. It chirped at me  from its vantage point then took flight again to where I do not know. It was in that moment I believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and in all the miracles he had performed while here on Earth. If God cared enough to give life to a sparrow then He loves me even more to give me ever lasting life in heaven with Him.

“8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 ‘Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?’ 10 Jesus said, ‘Have the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). 11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. 12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, ‘Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.’ 13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” ~ John 6:8-13

No Food To Eat

Thanksgiving 2007 I was standing in the line at the supermarket with my daughter licking her chops at the selection of food we were getting ready to purchase for our Thanksgiving dinner. One big turkey, ham, potatoes, salad, raisin bread, and a pumpkin pie. This is what my daughter did not know about the food we where buying; I had run out of money several days before paying bills, and had nothing left over for the special dinner upon her visitation that day. I didn’t want to burden her or her mother by telling them I had no money for the dinner. I sat in my house pining away thinking of ways I could get something nice or make something non-traditional when I looked in the paper. I saw a coupon for a free Thanksgiving meal and in disbelief I cut it out. I called the store which was offering the coupon and asked if this was true, was it really free. The lady on the other end of the phone laughed at my disbelief and said yes; she also told me that I would need to bring in the coupon with a photo id. I remember asking why this dinner was being offered, and the lady said because it is our way of giving back to the community on such a wonderful holiday as Thanksgiving. Kiddingly I asked her if they where going to do it again for Christmas and with that I was politely told not to push my luck. So that day with no food to eat I picked my daughter up and we went to the store. We collected all the things the coupon covered and made our way to the register. Truth be told my heart was in my mouth and I prayed all the way to the line as I did not want to be embarrassed  in front of my daughter on Thanksgiving. But much to my delight the register totaled zero after the coupon was scanned. My daughter thought it was funny they asked for an id, but I told her they always do, thats when she was young and impressionable.  Upon getting home we took the turkey and it needed to be cleaned, something I had never done, and so I called my mom who gave me blow by blow instructions of how to do it. So instead of me putting my hand up the rear-end of the turkey I had my daughter do it, and to this day she never has forgiven me for having her to do that but her facial expression was funny. Together we cooked the turkey and ate like Kings and before we took a bight we thanked God for His kindness. In my silent prayer I thanked God for showing me the coupon, for feeding me and my daughter when we had no foods to eat.

“33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” ~ Matthew 6:33

In these examples God’s love and grace was handed down to me in the simplest most unexpected ways. He knows my needs and I open completely up to Him. God has never let me down, He has always made it possible for me to survive, and in those moments that are out side my control I give it to Him. I give the Lord the praise He is due, I give Him credit for the miracles in my life, and without God I personally would be lost. I feel these things represent every man, women, and child if only we look at the small, unexpected  miracles in our life.  God grants to us so much we take for granted, He supplies every fascist of every need we have in our life, and He alone takes care of every detail no matter how big or small. But it is my personal belief he loves doing the unexpected things like giving renewed life to a dead twig, breathing life into an injured sparrow, and in feeding His sons and daughters in their hour of need. God can be found in everything, in all areas of our life, and He makes the excuse to work a miracle to prove His love for you each and every day of your life if only you take time to look for His mark on your heart.


I truly want to hear form all of you who read Listening Faithfully with all your stories of all the wonderful miracles God has done for you. I also want to extend a warm Thanksgiving wish and pray that you are spending this special day with all those whom you love.

Special Prayer for a Sibling In Need

The special connection one has for a parent or sibling is certainly one that should be founded upon honor and love. It is these special people in your life which you truly spend your entire life with, through good and bad, richer or poor, and in sickness and good health. Thus it is the will of God that we move mountains for each other when we are asked to or when it is needed. For it was that Jesus treated everyone like this, he loved everyone, and cared about all of us equally. He even went to such lengths as to call us His brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God. Therefore, when one of our brothers and sisters in Christ is in need we need to come to their call in every manner; with every special talent we have to answer that call.  So with this in mind I want to offer to this world community:  “Sisters and Brothers”,  I have created here with Listening Faithfully an opportunity to come together and send a special prayer for one of my brothers in Christ Jesus who’s sister has Leukemia and is fighting a good fight, running the race to the end. Please pray for my brother Neil McCarthy, and his sister Leslie Frankenheimer who has been at The City Of Hope Hospital since Thursday, September 27, 2012 and all their family during these trying times. I ask that you pray for his sister as she endures the medical treatment to save her life. So I ask everyone to pray twice tonight, and twice tomorrow, this special prayer;


Lord God in heaven, we pray to you through your son Jesus Christ, we ask that you hear our cry’s and our words of concern for this remarkably caring and beautiful woman who has served you by being a loving and devoted daughter, sister, wife, mother, and mentor to all that Leslie Frankenheimer has known and loved. Lord God in Heaven we call on you in this hour when dark clouds gather, we call on you to light our darkest day, Lord we as a community of the faithful call upon you to give us hope; to shine your light of love so our path is less dim, thus we call on you. Lord; My God; I know you are with me; I know you are with Leslie and her entire family and friends; and I also know that you hear all of our prayers. Lord; I also know we can count on you when no-one else will answer; Oh’ God of love it is you who is responsible for giving us a reason to go on despite our cup of joy sometimes has become a cup of sorrow; Lord it is you that we call. Lord we humbly ask you  to place a calming hand upon Leslie and her family, let them now proclaim your goodness within this time of trouble and hardship, let everyone see your glory, your blessing, your wisdom, and your forgiveness, and good works as you transform Leslie’s soul and mold her to be more like you as you prepare the table before her. Lord I ask for your voice to be heard in the hearts of all who pray this prayer on behalf of Leslie’s sake, as we all pray these words that had been joyfully shouted out by your servant King David:

1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice  goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” ~ Psalm 19:1-4

Lord we ask for your healing hand to be extended upon my brothers sister Leslie Frankenheimer and that you are there with her holding her hand,  reassuring her, building her up, showing her your path as you gently guide her through the rest of her journey. Please Oh’ God take away all her fear and doubt, rescue her completely with a full recovery that which is complete in your most powerful grace. It is to you Oh Lord; God in Heaven; Father Almighty that we turn, that we pray this prayer of healing and of recovery. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

While praying this prayer feel free to say “I” in place of “we” and “my” in the place of “our” where appropriate, but please do pray.

As always if you have been moved by this prayer, I invite you to leave a comment to show your support to my two sisters and their family.


Special Prayer Request: October 2012

Prayer Request for Parents of Parental Alienation Syndrome: If you are a parent and have children which have been kept from you by the Primary Parent, then you know personally the pain and anguish that not just accompanied the divorced you suffered through, but also the pain and anguish of a no contact policy with your children because of an alienating parent. You know the tragic pain that the courts and unethical lawyers can inflict upon your family. The following prayer goes out to all parents who have suffered these inhuman and unjust policies and for all the children who loose one parent through this unholy process. Let God hear our prayers for our children’s sake :


“Dear Lord in heaven, you know the pain caused by isolation, derogation of a parents life, and of our values that you have handed down to all of use equally. Lord you know the evils in peoples hearts that seek to destroy the family unit and then pretend they have done so in your name. Lord, God in heaven I know you can feel how horrified alienated parents are when told they will no longer play a major role in their children’s lives. I pray you give them strength to endure such hardships, and wrongful accusations. Lord, God in Heaven I pray you give then wisdom to know what to say and for it to never be said in anger. Lord, God in heaven I ask that you bring peace to their hearts, minds, and souls so that they are no longer burdened with this miserable yoke that they have been forced to carry. Lord, please unshackle their lives and give them meaning once more. I also ask for our children’s hearts not be hardened by bitter fighting, and by being forced to choose one parent over another. Lord you know all our children need both parents equally and that any law which gives more time to one parent is simply violating your heavenly command. Please, Lord free our children of this unfair yoke which has been placed upon them by selfishness and cruelty and deliver them into your abiding love forever.  ” Amen…

May the Lord Be with all alienated parents and be also with you until your last days here on this Earth.  Amen

Please show your support for all the alienated parents and their children who they have been kept from against their will by placing this prayer on your Facebook Wall. Thank you.

Follow Listening Faithfully Facebook and Listening Faithfully Community Facebook Page by clicking the links provided!

Help Support Listening Faithfully by getting the word out to all you know and by sending this link to all your family and friends in the Spirit of God the Father. Then make a commitment to pray this prayer this Sunday, November 4, 2012 for all those parents and children who are facing the unjust courts this upcoming week and month.